Page 2 of The Dating Experience
I take a deep inhale and let out a sigh. I’m getting tired of waiting for “the one.” Maybe I should just find any guy and have sex with him. I’m aching to feel an actual cock inside me, not a silicone one. I want to know what it feels like to connect that way to another human being. To share that kind of intimacy.
I wonder if there’s someone I could pay for a service like that.?
Taking out my phone, I type into the search bar “boyfriend for hire.”
Stupid, yes. Even more stupid when drunk. But maybe there’s a guy I can pay to take me out on a date and fuck me. Someone who knows how to turn me into a sensual goddess. After all, who better to teach me how to date than an escort? Okay, maybe there is someone better, but I can’t think of anyone.
I scroll down the list and see a website calledThe Boyfriend Experience.
Yes! This is it. I need to experience what a boyfriend is so I know what to do on an actual date. The agency is set in town, and their list of men makes me drool. All extremely hot and… pricey. But I do have some money saved up.
I look for the guy for me. Each man has their own title.
“The Cowboy.”
“The Dirty Talker.”
“The Playboy.”
A man in a brown suit catches my eye.
“The Man Next Door.”
Ooh, he seems sweet.
Tyler Harris. Six-one, blue eyes, dirty blond hair, from London, England. The text under his photo says, “He’s your charming boy next door. He will sweep you off your feet with his accent and muscular arms.”
I look at his picture and already feel my body coming to life. This is one of the things that makes dating so hard for me. Whenever I go on a date, I feel nothing. No spark or even a tingle. Not even a suggestion of a tingle. But one look at Tyler’s baby blues, and I’m biting my lip.
I scroll down to the bottom of the website and find their phone number. They’re open until two a.m., so I'm calling right now.
After dialing, I hear it ring. Once, twice, then someone answers.
“Hello, this is The Boyfriend Experience. My name is Cassandra. How can I help you?”
“Oh, hi!” I squeak. “Um, I mean. Hello. I- my name is Poppy Davenport, and I’d like to hire The Man Next Door if I could.”
“Absolutely, what day would you like?”
“How does… next Friday sound? I would like a simple date. A restaurant with candles and a nice wine and cheese kind of thing, and then… you know.”
“That sounds amazing, and yes, next Friday is available. We will just review some information and get you all booked in.”
I spend the next ten minutes giving her more info about the date, plus my credit card information. After, she tells me some of the rules. It’s as if neither one of us will be obligated to do anything we aren’t comfortable with, so we can stop at any time. And she’s going to pass all this information along to the escort with a picture of me, which I need to send.
After all that, I hang up and smile.
I’m going on a date that will hopefully end with mind-blowing sex. And this time, I’m in control. I don’t have to be polite and let the man go on and on about his ex. I can simply ask him to change the subject because this date is about me.
I curl up under the covers, my brain starting to feel the sting of my hangover as I fall asleep, dreaming of The Man Next Door and that date of a lifetime.
Chapter 2
Musicblaresinmyheadphones, and my muscles burn as I run on the treadmill. Just one more mile, then I can stop. This is what I get for not working out while on holiday. 2 weeks of relaxing on a beach and then going to the gym for a full-body workout was a mistake. But the vacation itself was totally worth it. I’ve been nervous about spending myownmoney mainly because I know what it’s like to have money one day, and the next, it disappears. So, it’s safe to say I’ve been cautious. My boss at The Boyfriend Experience suggested I take the holiday. I’ve been working for her for almost eight years and never took one.
“Please, I’m begging you. You need some time to yourself. You realize your job is to serve other people. That means you don’t have a lot of time for yourself. Do yourself a favour and take a few weeks off.”