Page 5 of Her Filthy Grump
My parents and grandparents are staples of the community, and as an only child, I was doted on, but now I’m a grown woman. I can’t depend on a big smile and a generous heart to get out of everything.
“On to the important stuff.” Blanche places her elbows on the counter and cups her chin. “Who was the hottie outside helping you with Gertrude? I never thought I’d consider a wifebeater tank top sexy, but those muscles.” Her eyes glow as she shakes her head. “And those tattoos.”
“Hey.” She leans up and fans herself before patting her gray curls. “I might be old, but I’m not blind. I took more than one roll in the sheets before settling down with Mr. Waters.”
“Really?” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Tell me more.”
“Gi-i-irl.” She smirks. “Don’t change the subject. We’re talking about your chivalrous helper.”
I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t think he fits that category. He didn’t want to help and thought I was ridiculous.”And hurt my feelings.I’m so not going to say that out loud. I’m an adult woman. I should be made from sturdier stuff.“I don’t even think he likes animals. Who doesn’t like animals?”
She chuckles. “Not everyone has a bleeding heart like you.”
Bleeding heart?I frown. Should I be tougher? Does it make me weak to care about animals and the elderly?
I don’t know the first thing about hardening my heart. Sometimes I wish I did because I cry every time Bambi is on television, and that’s embarrassing at this stage of my life. I straighten my back. “He said he works at the fire station but didn’t say his name.” I shrug. “Dad had to have hired him, but he hasn’t said anything about a new recruit.” My father has been Fire Chief since I was a kid. Normally in a town this small, there wouldn’t be a fulltime fire department, but we’re a suburb of Oakland.
Should I ask him about the mystery man who hates animals and thinks I’m a nuisance? That’s a big fat no.
Yes. I do a mental fist pump. I can make big girl decisions. And more importantly, I don’t care what he thinks of me.
Chapter Four
I jam the gearshift into park. The fire station is quaint and welcoming, like everything else in this town.
I’m used to the fast pace of the city, where we were called out for at least two to three fires a day. Granted, most of our work was helping with medical transports and trying to improve community relations, but Meadow Bay is quiet. Too quiet.
After only a week, the sound of a siren makes me jump. I can’t afford to get soft. I’m only here for a few months. Then, I’ve got to figure out what I’m doing with my life.
I pop the door open, causing the warning ding to fill the space.Shit. Forgot the keys.I yank them out of the ignition to make it stop. See? I’m already not fit for city life. No one leaves their keys in their vehicle in Kansas City.
As I hop down from my pickup, Gavin waves and walks across the parking lot. “How was the call?”
“A real clusterfuck.” I jerk my sunglasses off and hook them on the front of my shirt. “You should have warned me the biggest action I’d see all day would be a wild duck chase.”
Gavin chuckles and crosses his arms. “The park?”
“Gertrude is a known city staple. She’s been hatching eggs there for the last several years. We moved her to Boyd’s farm for the first two years, but she came right back to the park.” Gavin shrugs. “Now, we put up with her antics.”
“Wonderful. I hope she keeps a better eye on them this time. One of her boneheaded ducklings fell into a drain, and this little Miss Sunshine character was holding up traffic trying to save the fucking day.” I rotate my shoulders to ease the tension.
I drove around the block three times before stopping while trying to get her out of my head, but I’m not having any luck.
Gavin’s nose scrunches. “Reddish auburn hair, a dusting of freckles, green eyes, and dressed like a teacher’s pet?”
My skin grows tighter with each descriptive characteristic. “Yes. I take it you know her.”
Layla.Even her name is sexy. The desire to see how sweet she’d taste has been coursing through my veins with more strength than I can ever remember a woman wielding over me. I want to find out if she’s as pure as she puts on–no one ever is. I’m betting between the sheets she’s a hellcat.
“Layla Monroe. My third cousin.” Gavin winks. “And the boss’s daughter.”