Page 80 of Her Filthy Grump
“Yes.” I jerk my head toward the other side of the bed.
She marches around the footboard and stops in mid-step. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“What?” I crawl over to the edge of the mattress and peer at the floor. It is littered with cartons of ice cream, cookie packages, and wads of Kleenexes. Humph. That does make me seem pathetic. I crawl back to the center of the bed, flop down on the mattress, and close my eyes. “Life sucks.”
“No. It doesn’t.”
“Yes.” I sit up and glower. “It. Does.” Anger radiates though me. “My whole life, I’ve looked at everything with rose-colored glasses. Always saw the best in people. Never committed until I found the perfect guy. I got snowed. He’s a prick.”
Her eyebrows scrunch together. “Are you sure? Maybe you should have asked him to explain rather than telling him he sucked at relationships. He told you it would be a struggle for him.”
“He was right. He does suck at relationships.” I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t believe in lying, and he lied to me. He knew Roman was coming back early and didn’t say a word.”
“You’ve never lied to him?”
My shoulders sag as the effort to exert energy sucks the life out of me. Did I ever lie to him? I didn’t tell him I loved him as soon as I knew. Is that a lie? “I don’t know.”
“Layla.” She sits on the edge of the bed. “Relationships take effort. You can’t toss away the right one without giving it everything you have.”
“Do you think I should call him?”
“That’s up to you. I can’t tell you what to do, but if I were in love and the guy seemed as into me as I was with him, I’d try. I’d toss my heart out there and let it be trampled on because the alternative could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”
I gnaw on the inside of my cheek until blood pools in my mouth. “I can’t. Not yet. I need a few days to get my head on straight. I’ve never felt like this before.”
“Heartbreak is hard.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Nauseous. Head spinning.” I rub my hand over my face. “The smell of eggs at the café makes me break out in hives. Yesterday, I puked until my ribs hurt.”
“Holy fuck.” Harbor stares with wide eyes and a mouth big enough to drive a dump truck through.
She grabs my hands and places her forehead against mine. “You’re pregnant.”
“No. I’m not.”No-o-o-o.I slam my eyes shut and block out the possibility. It’s been over a week since the day at the café when I was sure my boobs hurt because my period was coming.Shit. It never came.
I lean back and cup my boobs. They feel full and tender under my palms. “I…. Shit. I’m pregnant.”
“Oh, my Gawd. I was half-joking. I was hoping something at the café had given you food poisoning or something.”
“No. No one else has been sick, and we had unprotected sex the first time. My period was due over a week ago.”
“Oops.” She wrinkles her nose and presses her lips together.
“Oops is fucking right.” I jump up and pace the floor. “This is horrible.”
“Why? You love kids. You love Kameron. Sure, you’re not together, but a baby will change all that.”
“Yeah, it will make it all worse. Kameron’s mom trapped his dad repeatedly with kids. That’s why he doesn’t want children.”
“Oh, that is bad.” Her face pales.
“I can’t be pregnant. He’s going to think I did it on purpose to force him to be with me.” My entire body shakes until my teeth chatter. This can’t be happening.
Chapter Fifty-Two