Page 86 of Her Filthy Grump
“Um. Never mind.” I snap the phone off and stare at the wall. Kameron’s ex is pregnant. Tabitha’s pregnant. Kameron’s having a baby. Another baby.
Oh, fuck.I double over and suck down air. This is horrible. He’s never going to choose me. He was with her for several months. We were only together for a few weeks.
“What’s wrong?”
“Kameron’s having a baby.”
“Yes, I know.” She talks slowly like I’ve lost my mind, and I have.
I’ve lost the man I love to another woman. A woman he has a history with. A woman that destroyed him with her betrayal. Kameron wouldn’t have gotten that upset if he didn’t love her. I’m never going to see him again.
I thought I’d cried all the tears I had. I was wrong. They stream down my cheeks and land on my T-shirt. My nose runs, and I raise my arm.
“No, you don’t.” She shoves a Kleenex at me. “You aren’t going to turn into a cavewoman.”
“Who cares? Kameron’s ex-girlfriend is pregnant.”
“What?” Her voice reverberates off the walls. It’s so loud I’m surprise the windows don’t crack.
“His brother answered and said Kameron was busy. His ex is pregnant, and he wanted to know if I was, too. Apparently, he fucks everyone without protection. I’m just one of the many. For a guy who doesn’t want to be a father, he’s spreading his seed everyfuckingwhere.”
Anger wells up my gut and fills every inch of my body. I grab a vase from the table and launch it across the room. It smashes against the wall and shatters into thousands of jagged pieces. Like me, it splinters until it can never be put back together again.
“Did you tell him?”
“No. He was busy with Tabitha.” The words fly like poison off my tongue.
“Maybe if you told him, he’d choose you instead.”
“Why? Why would he choose me? I’m the girl he passed the time with while he housesat. He never cared about me. It was all an act.”
“You don’t know that.” She runs to the kitchen and yanks open the pantry door.
“Yes, I do!” I yell at her back. “He was lying to me all along.” I grab the matching vase and hurl it at the other wall.
“Doll.” She shakes her head with the broom and dustpan in her hand. “You’ve got to stop. You’ve got to think about the baby.”
“Don’t call me that.” Doll. I never want to be called that ever again. My shoulders sag, and all the emotions seep out of me. The baby. I’ve got to think about the baby. “You’re right.”
What am I going to do? I can’t stay here. Everything reminds me of him, and I don’t want to remember him.
At least not until my wounds aren’t raw, and I have a beautiful baby to console me and consume all my energy. Something I can smoother with my love and attention. Keeping me so busy with every two-hour feedings, that I can’t remember my own name–let alone his. “Harbor?”
“Can I come and live with you?”
“Absolutely. I would love for you to live with me. It’ll make those photoshoots and baby showers so much easier to do.”
“Thank you.” I grab the dustpan and broom. “Let me clean this up.”
Chapter Fifty-Six
I wrench my neck from side to side in a desperate attempt to relieve the tension lodged there since my last conversation with Layla.
The pitch-black night is dotted with streetlights as I drive down the street toward my rental. Earlier this morning, I contacted the landlord and had my new furniture delivered. Between that and dealing with my family over the last few days, I’m exhausted.