Page 125 of Mafia Toy
“From the family?” Riccardo asked.
“From my position, not the family.”
“Who will replace you?”
I stayed quiet and raised a brow.Definitely not my brother.
When I told him, he would jump at the chance to be boss, but he would get all of us thrown in prison. He was a damn good fighter, but not a leader in the slightest, especially after he had believed Bethany hadanyredeeming qualities.
“You and a couple of my uncles are the only ones I trust not to screw this family up.”
“What about Pietro?” Riccardo said.
“What about him?” I asked.
He’d helped me out when I asked him to, but I had gotten him out of more trouble than he even seemed worth sometimes. But if I threw him under the bus, then Laila would really never forgive me.
Riccardo stayed quiet, and I knew that he felt the same way. Pietro wasn’t cut out to be a leader of any kind. But … maybe Riccardo could. And if he didn’t want it, then one of the uncles that I trusted would happily take the position.
“What about Poppy?” Riccardo asked. “You think she was actually FBI?”
“We don’t know enough yet,” I said, blowing out a breath. “I can have one of the dirty cops down at the station check it out to see if her badge is real. I’ll take care of this particular situation before I step down, but I’m hoping she was lying through it all.”
“I’m so happy.”I beamed, walking into the cutest damn baby shop in the northeast.
Sage looped her arm around mine, humming and peering at all the baby toys that’d soon be littered around our home. She had moved in last week, and we had started painting the nursery together.
Constantino wheeled a bright red cart through the aisles behind us, then stopped when we reached the cribs. Sage continued toward the baby clothes instead of choosing a crib with Constantino. So, I followed because I liked looking at all the tiny dresses.
She had been quiet today, and I feared that those memories of waterboarding and torture were still weighing on her mind. It had only been a couple of weeks, but she had at least begun to open up to us about it.
Constantino held her every night as she cried in his arms after waking up from nightmares. And then in the mornings, she’d always apologize, as if it wereherfault, and we’d reassure her that it wasn’t and wouldneverbe.
But this morning, she was quieter than usual.
Once we strolled halfway down the aisle, Sage stopped at the boys clothes and stared down at it with huge eyes. She curled her nude lips into a small smile, then took an outfit from the shelf. “What about this?”
“Sage”—I giggled—“I’m having a girl.”
“Yeah, but”—she chewed on the inside of her cheek—“I’m not.”
“If I got—what?” I whispered, the world suddenly slowing down as what she had said finally registered. I snapped my gaze to her and beamed, my heart racing and heavy tears welling in my eyes. “No, you’re lying.”
She smiled softly at me, her cheeks tinting pink, and shook her head.
I stepped back in complete disbelief. “No.”
“I found out this morning.”
Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I pulled her into a tight hug. “Stop it. I am so happy. God, I’m so fucking happy for you.” But then I pulled back slightly and stared into her eyes. “This is what you want, right?”
“To have a family with you and Constantino? Yes.”
After pulling her into another tight hug, I wiped my tears before Constantino could spot them from across the store. “Have you told Constantino yet?” I asked, looping my arm around hers and resting my head on her shoulder as we walked down the aisle.