Page 109 of Blaire
“No...” he says, breathing heavily, striving to control his rage. “I didn't mean to say it like that.”
“Ohhh, of course you did,” I hiss through gritted teeth. “I bet you're regretting the deal you made with me too, aren't you? Because if you didn't give me 'your word',” I air quote this in a sarcastic manner, “you'd be able to sodomize me whenever you want, until your thirst is quenched.”
His eyes burst into flames, and then he's yelling at me, “I've not touched you since that night! Not unless you've wanted me to!”
“And what? Now you're angry because I won't let you fuck me?”
The veins in his neck throb.
“Why don't you go out and find someone else to fuck!” I scream so hard that the veins under my eyes pop. “Stop talking me under your spell and find someone else, like that fucking woman Celine!” I go into a full blown screaming rage, and I end up slapping him again. I've no idea what the hell has gotten into me.
What he just said hurts.You're mine! I've paid a fucking fortune for you!
He doesn't stop me from slapping him, which surprises me, given his warning. He's just looking at me, his left eye red from my blows.
I stop going wild eventually, panting like a feral lioness boiling with fury.
“Are you done?” he says, his voice deceptively soft.
My hands shake to punch him.
“Stop being a little bitch and listen to me, Blaire.” He leans into my face, his harsh breaths burning my cheeks. “I didn't say anything bad about you. Rico messaged asking, 'who's the redhead', and I told him you're a friend, that it's not like that. I don't want people thinking you're some whore.” Though he's trying to calm me down, I know he's fuming. I can see it in his eyes. “No one but you, me, and Maksim, knows I paid for you.”
I don't say anything. I'm too agitated to speak, wondering why I even care if he's speaking about me behind my back. I shouldn't care—I don't have the mentality to care about such bullshit—but I do.
Blood pulsing in my ears, we stare at each other in a power standoff, the atmosphere between us on fire, and I can't even explain how this happens, but we pounce at each other and kiss so hard that all I can taste is blood. I'm not sure whose blood it is but it's thick and metallic. It's heady.
I push my fingers into Charlie’s damp hair and cling to him, standing on my tippy toes. I taste his tongue with hungry licks, how supple and wet it is... how salty his skin is... Charlie's holding my small face in both his hands, devouring me, moaning so hard that his voice vibrates in my body.
I'm so mad with emotions that all I want to do is take off my clothes, and his, and make my dream come true—I want to fuck him until my brains fall out—but I know I can't. I hate that I can't.
“I would never, ever badmouth you,” he says between kisses. “You have to believe me, or all this means nothing.”
“I do believe you.” I bind my arms around his neck to pull him closer. “I'm sorry.”
We stop kissing but only so Charlie can turn me around and hold me, my back to his front. He's caging my arms to my chest in one of his, and I'm panting so hard trying to catch a breath.
“I've wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you,” he whispers in my ear from behind, “but I won't ever take you again withoutyourfull permission.” He's kissing my neck now, making me tingle all over. “I respect you too much for that.”
My eyes are unfocused and my head is swimming, every nerve ending in my body buzzing.
“I want you,” I say in a foreign voice, and I'm not lying. “I'm sorry for going crazy... I'm sorry I've wasted so much time denying-”
“Shhh,” he whispers, stroking over my fingers in my chest with his thumb. “S'all right.”
He slips into the front of my trousers with his free hand, still embracing me in his other arm. My ass tightens with nerves as he fingers his way into my pants, the elastic of my trousers pressing his dusty arm into my pelvis. It enhances my arousal for him; makes me throb with zest.
I can't believe I'm letting this happen, and after how hard I fought...
I don't feel like myself anymore.
Charlie scissors my throbbing clit and holds me with callous fingers, his huge hand covering my sex. I whine out loud, the feeling of skin against skin sending me into a lust fallen meltdown.
“He doesn't make you feel like this, does he?” Charlie massages me then, teasing my swollen clit. Around and around he makes my body tingle. “He doesn't make you feel good.”
He's right. Maksim doesn't make me feel this good.
“No...” I breathe out.