Page 160 of Blaire
“Maksim's other pet—James,” Carl clears his throat, “he told me. A few years back Blaire apparently overheard the Turks bad mouthing Tatiana behind her back and slaughtered the lot of them for it off her own free will—no orders needed. Tatiana found out and commanded Blaire's freedom.”
I knew it. For years I've wondered about her involvement in my freedom from Maksim's house, but now I know for sure.
“I don't know any fine details,” Carl says, “but James said Tatiana was swooned with Blaire's natural loyalty to her and Maksim, and she rewarded her for it, granted her with freedom and protection.”
“So, why's he still whipping her then?”
“I don't know,” Carl says. “Rumo is just as confused—and before you think he's betrayed you, he was trying to delay Maksim from taking Blaire tonight. That's why he brought her here and didn't take her back to the whorehouse.”
Someone butts in and tells Charlie the coast is clear. “We need to leave now if we're to avoid a showdown.”
“Call the Lone MD's,” Charlie says to Andres, his words coming out strained and fast. “Tell them to get to the central hospital now. Tell them what's wrong with Blaire so they're equipped.”
“I'm already on it,” Andres says, pushing back from me. “Give her this, just for if anything happens, and put pressure on that wound. It’s bleeding too much.”
Charlie grabs one of my hands and puts something heavy in my grasp. A gun. He then grabs my other and forces me to hold the wound on my stomach. I whimper because it's agony to touch.
“I’m sorry. I know it hurts, baby,” he says softly, stroking my hair back out of my face, “but you have to press on the wound to stop the bleeding. I'm gonna pick you up now.” He swathes one arm around my shoulders, the other behind my knees, and lifts me into his chest.
“Aargh!” I scream, feeling like my back is being stretched out.
“I'm sorry but I've gotta get you outa here,” he says. “Let's go.”
My mind coils as I feel the steady gait of his movements—he's running. An array of heavy footsteps follow.
With the pain and the tender feeling of being ill, I just want to go to sleep. I want to wake up and feel better. I'll feel better if I get some rest.
“Don't let her sleep,” Andres puffs out. “She'll slip into a coma.”
“You hear that, Blaire? Don't go to sleep,” Charlie warns, though it's almost too late. I'm so tired.
“Look at me,” Charlie snaps, his strides long and powerful, knocking me back and forth in his embrace.
With all the might I have, I open my eyes and lift them to his but I can't really see him.
“Keep your eyes open,” he says in clatters of breath. “Don't. Go. To. Sleep.”
I think I nod at him, but I do shut my eyes. I'm just so, so tired.
Outside, the cold air hits me. My stomach rolls. I'm going to be sick. But then we come to a sharp stop that makes me wince, pulling me back from the sickness and the tiredness.
“Maksim...” Charlie's tone deepens as he says his name. “I fucking warned you not to hurt her. Did you think I was joking?”
He's here. Maksim is here.
Still holding the gun in one hand, I cover my face with both arms, cowering, panic coursing through me.
“Put-put her down,” Maksim says, his voice dripping in fear as he stutters, “Put-put her down and let's talk, Charlie. Let's not start a war ov-over one girl.”
“She's not just one girl, you fucking fool—she'sthegirl,” Charlie's voice vibrates in his chest with raw, inhumane anger. “Andres,” he says, and then I feel someone else's arms around me. Charlie is passing me to his brother, who huddles me in a hard torso, careful not to hold my back.
Bile rises through me then, burning the back of my throat like acid. I lean over quick enough to spew on the ground and not on Andres, gagging and coughing up. I’m not sure what’s coming out of me but it’s not food. I haven’t eaten in a while.
“Oh, shit,” Andres curses, carefully putting me down on my knees where I let go of the gun. “Blaire, just let it all out. Don't try to stop it.”
“Maksim,” I retch, trying to stop the nausea, “he's-”
“Don't you worry about him.” Andres is on his knees with me. “If you need to be sick, just be sick,” he says.