Page 24 of Blaire
I put it down to that. It's the only thing that makes sense.
“My little pet,” Maksim says, and when I look up at him, I see he's proffering my gun.
Taking it, I nod by way of respect.
Charlie returns around ten minutes later, his ink black hair a little ruffled, as if he's been running his fingers through the strands.
“Where were you?” Carl asks, examining Charlie as he takes to his seat. “We've been waiting.”
“I was helping Blaire with James.” He scoops up his cards from the table, focusing his attention. “We can get on with the game now.”
“You helped her with James?” Maksim raises his eyebrows at Charlie, then he peers back at me with the same shocked expression on his iron face. “Ohhh, isn't that nice, my little pet?”
My bones chill from the tone of his voice. He isn't happy.
The rest of the night goes by smoothly, thankfully, and Charlie doesn't say another word to me. (Double thankfully).
The men talk business and ask Charlie to attend the next poker game. He says he will if he's in town, which pleases Carl. “But I can't guarantee anything. I've got a lot of work that needs my focus.”
I'm glad to hear that he might be leaving. He's causing too much bother around me. He's fucking with my chi.
By the time the clock strikes four A.M., I'm relieved the game is over. We're all leaving to go home.
At the front doors, while Rumo is bidding us all goodbye, Charlie gives me this weird look, blatantly staring at me in front of everyone.
“We still on for tomorrow then, Charlie?” Carl repeats his question because Charlie isn't paying attention. He's just... well, he's looking at me, his hands shoved in his jeans pockets.
I disregard his scrutiny and link arms with Maksim because he's out of his mind drunk. I help him stagger across the driveway and into my car. When he's slumped in the passenger seat, I jump into the driver's seat, fire up the engine, and reverse out of the driveway.
“Here you go.” He passes me a bundle of cash for fighting. He always pays me for what I do, which is sort of odd, given he doesn't pay James.
“Thank you,c?pMaksim.” Leaning over him, I click open the glove compartment and shove the bundle inside.
We're quiet for a while, the only sound being the car engine rumbling as I steer out of the suburban street; the security detail on our trail.
“My friend Charlie has taken a liking to you,” Maksim says eventually, and randomly. I can feel his golden eyes on my face, scanning my reaction.
“I wouldn't know,” I lie for the second time tonight, my expression impassive. I'm not sure Charlie's reasons are genuine, but he's definitely pursuing me. I'm not an idiot.
“You would tell me if he tries anything with you, wouldn't you, my little pet?”
My stomach twists with disloyalty—it's almost crushing. I should tell Maksim about the things Charlie said to me, that he's curious and that I can choose my own path if I really wanted to, that he'd be on my side, but I just... I just can't. I've never kept anything from Maksim before, but this, what Charlie and I spoke about, it feels... weirdly private. And, I don't want to go over it at all, if I'm truly honest. I don't want to analyze. I just want to forget. I want Charlie to piss off back to wherever he came from so my life can go back to normal.
“After I've broken his nose for touching me,” I say in response to Maksim's question, blank of emotion, “of course.”
This makes him laugh, though in a lazy manner—he's tired.
“You are a good, loyal, little pet.” He snuggles down in his coat and rests his eyes, and I cannot help thinking over what he just said:Charlie has taken a liking to you.
The man is out to cause trouble. I know it. I wish I knew why.
“Do you have anything you want to ask?” Maksim says in a sleepy voice.
There's a million things I want to ask, but only one question makes sense. I brace myself for a blow as I say, “Who is Charlie exactly?”
The blow doesn't come. Maksim doesn't move in his seat.