Page 37 of Blaire
“What's the problem, my friend?” Maksim's husky Russian voice almost breaks me. “Having trouble taming-”
“C?pMaksim,” I whisper, cutting him off, squeezing the phone in my grasp.
“My little pet, are-are you okay?” he sounds worried. “What's happened? Please do not tell me you have done something to Charlie Decena...”
“No. He's-he's here.” I glance up at Charlie, who is watching me intently, then I turn my back on him, holding the bedpost with one hand so I don't topple over.“C?pMaksim, what-what am I doing here with Charlie?”
“Did he not tell you?”
“Yes,” I say with hesitation. “He-he says-”
“You are to fulfill Charlie's needs without ruining your virtue, complete the job when he needs you to shut down London's CCTV system, and only that job, and return home to me alive and well in no more than three months time.” Every word he says is like punching me in the chest. “Is that clear?”
“You want me to...” I blink into oblivion, swallowing past the lump in my throat. “He's allowed to touch me?”
“Yes, my little pet.” There's a long pause before he elaborates, “He can do whatever he likes to you as long as he doesn't take your virginity or kill you. Also, he doesn't want you to respect him as you do me. He wants you to decide for yourself, for whatever good it will do.”
I cup my face in one hand. My head is hurting. “I'm so confused.”
“Don't be confused, my little pet. Do not fight him. Just do your jobs and come home to me.”
His words echo while my world narrows.He can do whatever he likes to you as long as he doesn't take your virginity or kill you.
Charlie was telling the truth. Maksim has bartered me!
“No... No—please, I'm sorry,” I squeeze out every word, gripping the phone so tight my fingers ache. “I'm sorry if I've been bad the past few years. I'm sorry for... Maybe if I come back and-and live with you at the house, it will help? I'll be good. I swear!”
There's nothing but silence.
“C?pMaksim?C?pMaksim, are you there?”
I check the screen, shaking so hard I almost drop the phone. It's dark. He's hung up the call.
“No...” the ability to breathe abandons me.
I'm not ready to let him go!
I try to call him back—to beg for my life—but Charlie takes the phone off me.
“No!” I scream, trying to snatch it out of his grasp but he pins me to the bedpost with one arm over my chest. “Let me go!” I grip his wrist with both hands, trying to pries him off but his body is too powerful. “I’m not finished talking to him!”
“You are.” He shoves his phone in his jeans back pocket. “He just told you what you have to do.”
“No. he-he didn't clarify.” I'm shaking now, and Charlie is so close that I can smell the clean, sweet-musky scent of his skin. I wish he'd back the fuck up so I can think!
“Why-why didn't he tell me this in person at his house? Why did you have to drug me? I... I would have come willingly if Maksim told me too. I would have-”
“I don't want you having anything to do with him until I'm done with you, that's why he didn't tell you himself.”
“But... that doesn't make any sense.” I shake my head to get rid of this vertigo. “You just let me talk to him, and if... if you let him give me my orders, you-you wouldn't have had to drug me.”
“I'm not gonna keep going over this, Blaire,” his voice deepens with authority as he says that, determined to get off the subject. “When I decided I wanted you, I told him there and then to stay away until your time with me is up—he knows better than to go against my word. He warned me you'd resist, so I drugged you, and now you're here with me for three months,” he shrugs, “get used to it.”
That's hard to digest—I can't imagine not speaking to my master for three months—so I try to focus on what I have to do.
“What do you...” I start to say. “What... What can I do...” My mind is too chaotic. I don't even know what question to ask. Why did he just let me speak to Maksim if he doesn't want us to have any contact?
“Don’t be frightened,” Charlie whispers, cupping my face with his free hand, “I’m not gonna hurt you.”