Page 53 of Blaire
“I do mind, actually,” he says, his voice taking a dark edge. “Over the next three months, I plan on knowing you inside out.”
My chest tightens because I have a horrible feeling he isn't going to tire of me.
He inhales, like he's sighing. “If you have some breakfast, you can come with me.”
“What?” I'm so astonished he just gave in like that, I gawp at him.
He nods. “And on one condition.”
“What condition?”
“You have to stay behind me if any trouble breaks out.”
I scowl at him, confused.
“I don't want you getting hurt on my watch, little Blaire.” He's mocking me. He lowers his tone when he says, 'little Blaire'.
I snort at him. “Maybe I'll kick the Albanians' asses before kicking yours. That ought to shut you up.”
Before we leave for the Albanians, Charlie brings me a plate of warm scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice on a silver tray. I'm so pissed off by how easily he makes me enjoy what he does to me that I hesitate to take it from him. He raises his eyebrows, but I continue looking at him in wrath, wanting to punch him again. Maybe if I fuck up his face I won't find him so attractive, because that has to be the reason why I respond to him so easily, right? It's physical?
“You can always stay here,” he says, reminding me of his ultimatum—eat, or stay here. “It's no bother to me either way.”
Simmering inside, I snatch the tray from him. The orange juice almost spills over but he's quick to grab the glass, steadying it on the tray. He tells me to take it easy but I'm not really listening to him. Glancing over the tray, I wonder how he knows I like eggs for breakfast, and scrambled eggs for that matter. Did Maksim tell him?
“What's wrong?” he asks.
I don't like to assumethey'vespoken about me, that's what's wrong. It's too... weird, given what Charlie wants me for.
Holding the tray in both hands, I push past him. He sighs but I don't let it affect me—hopefully, if I keep on like this and refuse to indulge him, he'll tire of me. I can't live like this for three months. He's going to ruin me.How Maksim thinks I'll go back intact, I don't know. He knows Charlie and what Charlie is capable of. Hell, Charlie has managed to tap into me and my desires, and I'm like a fucking ice queen.
Sitting on the foot of the bed, I shift to get comfortable in these jeans while Charlie gets all domesticated and cleans up the broken coffee cup, using a dustpan and brush to sweep up the splinters. Now I wish I threw it across the room to really put him to work.
I'm laughing before I can stop myself. Charlie glances up at me, pulling his thick eyebrows together.Avoiding his stare and trying to stop laughing, I grab the glass of orange juice. It's sweet and refreshing, cool as it pours down my throat. I then dig into my breakfast.The eggs are nice, fluffy and seasoned right.
Did he cook this?
That makes me feel a bit weird. I can't recall a time when anyone ever made me food. Maksim used to feed me bread and water when he was conditioning me as a kid but I wouldn't exactly call that making food.
Charlie mops up the spilt coffee and disappears with the bucket for about five minutes, then he returns and sits beside me, making the bed dip.
I'm so aware of his closeness that my skin pricks, and my nipples... they're like fucking bullets. I'm not sure that I don't like being so close to him. How bizarre is that?
I try to focus on eating but I can't shift this personal feeling of him watching me. It's so strong.
I peek up at him, a question in my eyes.
“What is it?” He's glancing between all my features. It's quite flattering the way he looks at me, as if he sees only me.
“Where are my clothes and trainers, Charlie?” I put down the fork and pinch the jeans I'm wearing. “I don't like wearing jeans.”
He half smiles, gently pushing my hair back over my shoulder with one hand. “I'll get your things if you want them.”
I look down at the food on my lap and pick at the toast with my fingers. He's got those weird dark vibes going on. I've noticed how his aura changes when he wants to kiss me, or worse...
“What else do you like other than eggs, Blaire?”