Page 68 of Blaire
Charlie is frowning down on me. He doesn't know what to make of this either.
“Do you have a gym where I can work out?” I ask, hugging myself.
His frown deepens. “Youwant towork out again?”
I nod. I feel so vulnerable knowing I just sucked his cock and he's just seen me splayed out in front of him there on the dining table. He said I was pretty down there. That makes me blush and I never blush.
“Are you all right?” he whispers.
I nod again, though I'm not all right. He's fucking with my head.
After a while of staring me down, Charlie nods left and heads out of the kitchen, his masculine back flexing under his Tee.
Though my feet are dirty, I slip into my trainers and go after him.
In silence, we walk down a long hallway just off the entrance hall. At the end, there are a set of steel double doors. Charlie pushes them open and pale blue double height walls fill my gaze.
Wow. It's not just a gym. It's a bloody sports arena fully loaded with a boxing ring in the center, surrounded by blue exercise mats, and a collection of treadmills and other exercise equipment stretching across the left wall; chin up bars and boxing bags...
The right wall boasts rock climbing.
“Wow,” I whisper under my breath, in my element.
“Wait here,” Charlie says, pointing down. “I'll be five minutes.” He exits the way we came, so I do as I'm told.
Still hugging myself, I glance up at the ceiling. Monkey climbing bars. How the hell can anyone get up there? I scan the space and find in each corner of the gym there are ladders.
No wonder Charlie is so fit.
“Here,” he says softly from behind.
Turning around, I find he's passing me a bottle of water, and he's changed out of his jeans, into gray joggers and trainers—why?
I take the bottle of water from him, twist off the cap and have a mouthful. It's so cold that my brain aches for a moment.
“I'll make you a deal,” Charlie says, nodding like it's already set in stone. “You and me,” he gestures between us with a large, steady hand, “we'll have a friendly fight, and if you can put me on my ass in fifteen minutes, I won't touch you ever again—not unless you ask me to or want me to.”
I stare vacantly at him. That's why he's changed...
“But, if I win,” he continues, his voice full of promise, “you'll let me make you cum right here and whenever I want to—and you'll enjoy it.”
Oh, I fucking like this.
Putting the cap back on the bottle, I shrug and nod at once. This could be fun. I've wanted to kick his ass for weeks now.
“And you promise not to touch me ever again once I put you on your ass?” I raise my eyebrows. “You swear?” I don't know why I'm trusting his word but something inside me is convinced Charlie wouldn't make a misleading deal. He's too cool for that.
Charlie leans down and presses his lips to mine like it's the last time. I lose my breath, my blood warming with fire.
“If...” he elongates, whispering against my mouth, “ifyou put me on my ass.”
I have no idea what comes over me but I arch into Charlie and kiss him back. I grip his t-shirt with my nails and let out a girlish, moany sigh, delighting in this humid rush of sensations that always come over me when we kiss.
“Don't do that...” he warns, his tone taking a dark edge.
I step back, breaking away from the kiss, my head a little faint. “Do what?”
“Kiss me like that and whine as if you're enjoying it when we have this deal on the table.”