Page 87 of Blaire
If there's anything I'd like to avoid right now, it's this time of the month because I am never myself when my period comes. I'm withdrawn and morose and so uncomfortable it's beyond belief. I always try to keep it together and remain as Blaire as I can, for Maksim wouldn't take too kindly to me being in a mood—he'd whip me to death until I learnt to control my mood—but here, however, Maksim isn't about, so I'm not quite sure how I'll cope with my period and that bothers me. Charlie has been all right up until now—minus yesterday afternoon with his prying—and I don't want to rock the boat by being overly rude. I've enough emotions to deal with, let alone his wrath.
Feeling like bugs are crawling under my skin, I wake in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom, knowing exactly why I feel the way I do. My throat is a bit sore, as if I've been screaming my head off in agony. I hand feed myself some cold water from the sink to soothe my throat, then I search through the vanity cupboards for some toiletries. All of what I need is in here, surprisingly—it seems Charlie has thought of everything.
I sort myself out and get back into bed where I lie staring through the window for hours, the blanket draped over my waist. The sun hasn't risen yet—the sky is like a sheet of black silk, slipping down the horizon that's half alight.
I toss and turn for a while, hoping for the sun, but I just can't relax. I'm too tense and itching to do something... anything...
Slugging it out of bed, feeling bloated and heavy, I dress in the usual and patter downstairs to the kitchen barefoot.
It's quiet in the kitchen and it feels empty without Charlie around. I've come to like him being around. It's so weird.
I make some toast and take it to the dining table, where I watch the sun rise through the back doors with burning pink rays.
“Blaire?” Charlie says, entering the kitchen. “I wondered where you were.”
I turn in my chair to look at him in the doorway. He's on the phone, wearing jeans over black boots and a white t-shirt that boasts all his muscles. His fucking hair is pulled back, too.
A warm feeling travels right through me, making my skin flush. I'm suddenly aware of how tight my black jumper is across my swollen breasts... aware of how tight my trousers are against my sex... aware of how cold the stone flooring is against the soles of my feet.
It seems my desire for him has magnified.
This can't be happening to me—not now. Not while I'm already uncomfortable in my own skin.
“Morning, Charlie.” I drop my gaze to the now empty plate, too pissed off with everything that's going on inside me. I wish my car was here so I could go for a drive or something. I feel like I've been stuck in this damn house for years rather than weeks, lusting afterhim!
“I'll call you back.” Charlie hangs up the phone and then I hear him wandering over to me, his feet heavy against the kitchen floors. “What's wrong?”
I keep my eyes trained on the plate, clasping my hands together in my lap. “Nothing.”
He pulls out the chair to my right, making it scrape against the floor, and sits down. He's showered. I can smell the clean soapy aroma of his skin.
“I know there's something wrong.” Gently touching my hand under the table, he grasps my attention for a split second, but then I look away.
“Did I cross a line with asking you those questions yesterday?” he says softly. “Have I upset you?”
“What?” I frown up at him. “No, Charlie. I don't hold onto irritation for very long, as I'm sure you've noticed.” I have to look away again. I can't stand that intense blueness in his eyes—not this morning—and I can't stand it when he wears his hair back. He's too handsome.
“So, I did irritate you then?”
“For all of an evening,” I whisper.
“Okay... Well, if it's not me, then what's wrong? Has something else pissed you off?”
I try to avoid telling him but he goes on and on and on, demanding an answer. “I won't relent, Blaire.Iwant toknow what's wrong.”
“It's my period, all right?”
“Oh!” He's lost for what to say for a moment, blinking at me as if I just admitted to something dreadful. “Have you got a stomach ache?”
Shutting my eyes, I shake my head. “But I can't be bothered to train today, if you don't mind?”
“Course I don't mind. Do you need anything? I put all the necessary toiletries in your bathroom.”
“I'm fine.”
Another long pause, then he rises from his chair. He saunters across the kitchen, rustles through the cupboards and the draws, and then returns with two cups of coffee. “Here.” He passes one to me.