Page 18 of Thorne's Rose
“I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your name,” she said, smiling up at the biker.
“That’s because I didn’t give it,” the guy said. “I’m not here to talk to you. I’m here to keep you safe,” he insisted.
“Well, I really appreciate that,” she said. “Whatever your name is.”
“It’s Yonkers, but you knowing my name isn’t going to change the fact that you don’t get to leave your room, princess,” he said.
“Not even for a second,” she pouted. “I just need to stretch my legs and breathe some fresh air. It’s so stale in here.” Yonkers looked a bit torn about what to do, and even though she should feel bad about what she was doing, she didn’t. “Please,” she begged, laying it on a bit thick, even for her own liking.
“Fine, but I’m going with you,” he insisted.
“Thank you,” she squealed. “I’ll do whatever you say. Just let me grab my jacket. She had one shot at this, and she wasn’t going to blow it. Would you mind if we stopped in the lobby so that I could grab a snack? I’m starving.”
“Sure, I guess I should have offered you something to eat, sorry,” he said.
“Not a problem,” she lied. “I know you were just doing what my cousin told you to do.” She grabbed her purse and flung it over her shoulder, feeling the weight of the handgun that she had packed in there before Thorne, and she left Texas with Sadie in tow. She knew that pulling her gun on poor Yonkers wasn’t going to be fair, but she honestly had no other choice. If she was correct, the pickup truck parked down by the lobby was his. If she could just get close to it, she’d get his keys, even if she had to threaten him with bodily harm. Rose wasn’t a violent person, but this guy didn’t know that. When it came to her baby, she’d do whatever it took to find Sadie—even holding up the big biker and taking his truck keys from him.
“You got everything you need?” he asked.
“Yep,” she breathed, patting her handbag. “I’m ready.” She followed him to the end of the corridor and down the steps to the first floor. The place only had three floors and they were on the second. “Do you mind if we grab some air first?” she asked. “Then, we can walk around to the lobby to grab a snack on the way back up to the room.”
“Sure, whatever you want,” Yonkers said. “Just stay behind me.” That wasn’t going to be a problem for her. She’d stay behind him the whole time since it would give her time to get her gun out of her handbag. She fumbled with the zipper and by the time she finally got her bag open, they were in front of the truck. It was now or never.
“Stop,” she almost shouted. “Turn around,” she ordered. Yonkers quickly spun around and gasped when he saw the gun in her hand.
“Where did you get that?” he asked. “You shouldn’t have that, you’ll hurt yourself.”
She barked out her laugh, “Why?” she asked, “because women can’t use a gun? I was taught how to use one of these when I was just a kid. Hurting myself shouldn’t be what you are worried about, Yonkers. I think that you should be more focused on me hurting you.”
“You wouldn’t,” he said.
“Oh, I would. You all think that you can keep me from going after my daughter, but I’m not the sit-back-and-wait kind of girl that my cousin and Thorne have mistaken me for. I want to know where they are.”
“I can’t tell you that,” Yonkers insisted.
“Okay, if you won’t share that bit of information with me, how about you toss me your truck keys? I’ll go find them myself,” she spat.
“You can’t do that,” Yonkers said. “If you do, you’ll just be in the way. Plus, you’ll never catch up to them.”
“How about you let me worry about that?” she asked.
“Or,” a man’s voice said from behind her, “you can hand me the gun and I’ll let you see our daughter.” Shit—she had fallen for yet another one of Joe’s traps. She was an idiot to believe that he’d leave her behind and just take Sadie. When he promised to kill her, he said that he’d end them both.
She turned, pointing her gun at Joe. He held his gun steady and pointed at her chest, and she knew that they were in a standoff that wouldn’t end well for either of them. “Joe,” she breathed. “Where is Sadie?”
He nodded back to his truck where her daughter was watching the whole scene. She was crying and the thought of Joe laying one finger on Sadie made her want to pull the trigger. “She’s all right, for now. How about you be a good girl and come with me so that we can have a little chat, Rose?” Joe asked. If she went with him, they might both end up dead, but it was a chance that she was willing to take to get to her daughter. Rose had to do everything in her power to keep Sadie safe. She owed her daughter that much.
“Fine,” she spat, “I’ll come with you.”
“You can’t do that,” Yonkers shouted.
“Who the fuck is this, Rose?” Joe asked. “Is this piece of shit your new boyfriend?”
“What—no,” Rose said.
“You can’t go with him, Rose,” Yonkers repeated.
“She can do whatever she wants,” Joe said. “Are you going to stop her?”