Page 28 of Outrun The Devil
As Olivia made her way up to the second floor, she could see Nathan speaking with a server. When he got the answer he must have been looking for, he looked at her and nudged to the steps. Olivia followed him up to the fourth floor, where they could survey the scene from a higher vantage point.
“You take the right I’ll go left.”
The sharp look she gave him almost dared him to object. But instead, Nathan nodded.
That was easy.
Weaving through the throngs of bodies on the dance floor, Olivia's senses were on high alert as she scanned the room for Xavier. The beat of the music reverberated through her bones, and the smell of alcohol and sweat filled her nostrils. She felt a jolt of adrenaline as a voice cut through the noise, and she looked up to see him standing before her.
Xavier's black suit seemed to accentuate his sharp features, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a shiver of apprehension run down her spine. His eyes locked onto hers, and for a moment, she was frozen in place.
Despite her unease, Olivia couldn't deny the undeniable charisma that emanated from Xavier. He was like a magnet, drawing her in with his confident demeanor and smug smirk. She could sense the danger that lurked beneath his polished exterior, but she found herself unable to look away.
As he spoke, his words were measured and smooth, but Olivia could detect a steel edge to his voice. It was clear that he was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, no matter the cost.
Olivia's eyes traveled up and down his chiseled frame, unable to deny the physical presence that he commanded. His dark hair was slicked back, and his jawline was sharp enough to cut through steel. She felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks, despite her better judgment.
At that moment, Olivia realized that she was both drawn to and repelled by Xavier.
She knew that he was dangerous, but there was a magnetic pull that she couldn't resist. As she stood there, watching him with wary eyes, Olivia couldn't help but wonder what kind of trouble he was going to bring into her life.
“Detective Steele and this is my partner Detective Collins,” Nathan’s voice cut through her thoughts. She’d almost forgotten she’d come here with him. He had appeared out of nowhere, it made her a bit worried. Was she so caught up in Xavier that Olivia hadn’t noticed her surroundings? So caught up that she didn’t even catch that Nathan introduced her as his partner. Her face contorted with a palpable glower.
“We’d like to ask you a few questions,” Nathan continued.
“Absolutely detectives, anything I can do to help.”
Olivia wondered if he realized he was considered a suspect in a murder and if he’d still be cooperative when they told him. They usually lawyered up when they were told they were a suspect. Smart on their end but annoying on her end. It was an obstacle that Olivia was careful to ensure it didn’t happen. One of those red tape things she took risks on. Red tape was a safety net but damn if it didn’t impede investigations.
Xavier led them to a private room. A feeling of familiarity struck her the moment she stepped inside and yet she’d never been here before. Olivia recalled the man in a black suit from her vision and if she were a betting woman, she’d place it right on Xavier Knight.
Nathan took a seat offered but Olivia stayed standing. She pulled out two photos, one of each victim.
“Have you seen either of these young women before?”
His response held little significance to the detective, but what truly mattered was the expression on his face. Olivia carefully observed the observer. Behind a carefully placed facade, Collins saw the flicker of recognition when he looked at both photos. But he looked up, that facade in place even still.
“Can’t say that I have, detectives.”
He looked right at Olivia, and she could have sworn she saw a hint of a smirk playing on those lips of his.
“They were both last seen here in your club.”
Xavier laughed. “As you can easily see, we have a lot of people here in the club. A lot of faces that come and go.” He placed a hand on his chest. “I’ve never seen either of these women, but I didn’t say that meant they’d never been here before.”
This wasn’t his first rodeo. He was simply wasting their time and it was clear he wasn’t going to give them anything to work with. But something about this man was going to be Olivia’s undoing and she hated that she couldn’t put a finger on why.
“Where were you the night before last?” she asked.
Xavier paused but his composure never fell. He’d had years to practice this facade, Olivia decided. And this wasn’t his first run-in with the law either, so he knew what to expect.
All little things she could tell just from looking at him and the way he held himself. His ego told her that he thought he was above the law.
“I was with a friend,” he answered finally with a slow crawl of a shit-eating grin on his face. Olivia had to refrain from rolling her eyes.
“We’re going to need that friend’s name.” Nathan had his pen and paper at the ready.
Xavier gave the name to Nathan but kept eye contact with Olivia. It was like he was trying to unnerve her. And it almost worked but she, too, had many years to perfect her facade. Even if it was beginning to chip away the longer, she stood in that room with him.