Page 4 of Outrun The Devil
Olivia's gaze met the two uniformed officers who had been observing her. One of them wore a wide grin, clearly entertained by her impressive scan of the crime scene. He nudged his companion, sharing in the amusement. The other officer, however, stood rooted in disbelief, his skepticism still lingering.
A small, self-assured smirk played across Olivia's lips. She wasn't one to seek validation from others, confident in her abilities and years of experience. But that didn't mean she didn't appreciate the recognition when it was deserved. The grin on the officer's face, the acknowledgment of her skills, served as a subtle confirmation that she was making an impact.
Inwardly, Olivia felt a sense of satisfaction. It wasn't about proving herself to others, it was about showcasing the depth of her knowledge and honed instincts. She knew the importance of her work and the impact it had on the pursuit of justice. And when her dedication and expertise were acknowledged, it only reinforced her commitment to the job.
With a nod of acknowledgment to the officers, Olivia turned her attention back to the task at hand. She had a crime to solve, a puzzle to unravel.
As she resumed her investigation, the smirk on Olivia's face faded, replaced by a focused determination. She knew that her abilities would be tested time and time again, but she remained unwavering in her pursuit of justice. The scene before her held secrets waiting to be unearthed, and she was prepared to unlock them with every ounce of her expertise.
No matter the doubts or skeptics, Olivia Collins would persist, driven by her unwavering dedication to her work and her unwavering belief in her abilities. With each case she cracked, each truth she uncovered, and would leave a lasting impression on those who dared to question her.
The medical examiner, Dr. Sarah Martinez, approached Olivia with a somber expression. They had developed a friendly rapport over the years, a connection built on mutual respect and a shared understanding of the grim realities they faced. Olivia knew that Sarah's expertise and attention to detail were unmatched, and she trusted her judgment implicitly.
“I believe the victim died of blood loss from the stab wounds she sustained.”
Sarah's voice held a tinge of sadness as she confirmed what Olivia already suspected about the victim's cause of death. The details echoed Olivia's visions, validating the accuracy of her instincts. Olivia nodded the weight of the truth settling in her chest.
“Thanks, Sarah. You always have a way of unraveling the truth with your unmatched skills.” Olivia winked, and a tinge of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
Sarah smirked, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “Oh, you know me, Liv. I've got a knack for leaving no mystery unsolved.”
Olivia raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in her gaze. “Is that so? Well, don't think I'll let you have all the fun. We, detectives, like to keep you medical examiners on your toes too.”
Sarah laughed, her tone tinged with a hint of excitement. “Oh, Liv, I'm always ready for a little friendly competition. Let's see who cracks this case first.”
Olivia's visions were both a gift and a curse.
They provided her with invaluable insight, allowing her to see beyond the surface of a crime scene, to unravel mysteries that would otherwise remain hidden. Yet, it sometimes felt like she was cheating, circumventing the traditional methods of investigation.
As Sarah finished relaying the findings, Olivia offered a grateful nod, acknowledging the confirmation of her insights. The guilt still lingered, an ever-present reminder of the unorthodox nature of her methods. But she also knew that her visions had helped bring justice to countless victims, providing closure to their loved ones. And in that realization, she found solace, knowing that her unique gift served a purpose beyond her apprehensions.
Detective Olivia Collins stepped out into the Arizona sun, grateful for the reprieve from the smell inside the house but instantly regretting the wave of heat that hit her. With each new case that landed in her lap, Olivia couldn't help but feel a deep sense of humility. The sight of a life cut short, the pain etched on the faces of grieving loved ones, and the weight of responsibility on her shoulders reminded her of the profound impact she had the power to make. Every victim she encountered served as a poignant reminder that life was precious and fleeting, urging her to persevere in her relentless pursuit of justice.
As Olivia Collins entered the bullpen, multiple detectives and officers turned their heads in unison to stare at her. Their eyes burned holes into her back as she made her way to the desk of Detective Ava Taylor.
Despite the piercing gazes directed her way, Olivia Collins maintained her unwavering focus as she strode toward Detective Ava Taylor's desk.
The hostile stares from her colleagues were nothing new to her. In fact, she had grown accustomed to being the subject of their disdain. Her unconventional methods and unyielding dedication to her work had set her apart, earning her a reputation as an enigmatic figure within the station.
That nifty little ability of hers shot her straight to the top with the highest closing rate for cases in the entire precinct.
So, maybe they did have a reason to stare at her with disdain. But all Detective Olivia Collins cared about was bringing justice to every victim. Everything else simply fell away.
The room was large, with only a few desks in each row, and no cubicles or dividers to mark the detectives’ territory. So, you knew where everyone was. Detective Alex Rivera came beside them, he and Ava Taylor have been partners for as long as Olivia could remember. Rivera was only a few years younger than she was, something he didn’t hesitate in pointing out when she tried to hold it over him. Particularly when Olivia was trying to pull the ‘I’m older’ card on him.
“Ethan Davis,” he pointed to the name on the paper. Olivia's eyes met Rivera’s, the frustration evident in her gaze.
She had grown accustomed to his habit of stating the obvious, treating her as if she needed constant guidance and reassurance. It was a quirk of his personality, driven by his enthusiasm for cases and a desire to be thorough, rather than any ill intention. But sometimes, it grated on her nerves.
Another reason she was grateful she didn’t have a partner. Olivia would never have to endure the lows of partnership such as the annoying little flaws. Not that she felt she was perfect by any means.
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, instead maintaining a composed expression. Deep down, the elder detective knew that his intentions were genuine, and she appreciated his dedication to his work. However, in the heat of the moment, his well-meaning but unnecessary comments could be irksome.
With a calm yet firm tone, Olivia responded, “Yes, I can see the name right in front of me.” She made a deliberate effort to keep her frustration in check, not wanting to escalate the situation. Her words carried a hint of subtle sarcasm, a playful jab to remind him that she was more than capable of handling the investigation.
Rivera's face flushed slightly, realizing his tendency to state the obvious once again. He chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head.
Just as she expected, the prints came back to match the young man she saw in her vision. There was a last known address on file as well as a phone number.