Page 18 of Zero
Jack cursed under his breath while giving Gillies a deadly glare.
“Not happening.”
Gillies straightened, a flash of gold at his hip visible for a moment before he crossed his arms.
“You still using?” Gillies asked.
“You know god damned well I never did,” Jack hissed.
The smile on the man’s face made him want to punch it. Repeatedly.
“Do I?” Gillies tapped two of his fingers against his lips. “I mean, it wouldn’t be a surprise to anyone if you fell back in.”
Jack clenched and unclenched his hands, trying to talk himself out of a murder sentence.
“Fuck you. I’m never giving you anything.”
“We’ll see.”
Jack shook his head and said, “I didn’t give you shit while I was inside. You really think you can force something out of me now that I’m free?”
“All I have to do is wait for you to fuck up again. I doubt I’ll be waiting long.” Gillies said. “Now that you’ve been inside once, I have a strong feeling you’re not gonna want to go back in.”
While Gillies was right, there was no way he ever wanted to go back to prison, he was also wrong. He would do it without hesitation if it meant his family stayed safe. Even if he was royally pissed at some of them.
“Not. Happening.”
Gillies watched him for a moment, the hair at the back of Jack’s neck standing on end. He hated the way the man looked at him. Like he was simultaneously a hot piece of meat and just an idiot.
“So, who’s your new boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.”
“You sure about that?” Gillies raised a brow at him, then nodded at something behind him. “Because it looks like he might think otherwise.”
Jack was grinding his teeth even before he looked over his shoulder to see Zero walking toward them with a worried expression on his face.
There was his knight in shining armor. Too bad he wasn’t on a white horse so he could push him off it.
“You good?” Zero asked, running those concerned eyes over him.
“I’m fucking fine.”
Gillies gave Zero a dark look, then said, “Elías Rivera.”
Zero frowned at him. “Do I know you?”
“No,” Jack said with a growl.
Gillies grinned at him, then winked before getting in his car.
As the asshole drove off, his anger should’ve subsided but Zero’s presence next to him ensured that didn’t happen.
“Who is he?” Zero asked.
Jack sighed.
“Someone I shouldn’t have fucked.”