Page 29 of Zero
Surely, if he threatened a harassment lawsuit, Gillies would have to stay away. He didn’t want that piece of shit anywhere near Zero.
The doorbell ringing had him groaning.
He’d barely gotten in the door and he knew Zero couldn’t be far behind. They’d gotten off work at the same time though Zero had been talking to Jet when he’d walked out.
When he opened the door and found Gillies standing out there, he wanted to slam it in the asshole’s face.
He wished he’d made that call already.
“Are you supposed to be associating with known criminals?” Gillies asked, brow cocked like a smartass.
“I’m not on probation.”
“Still,” Gillies said and pushed past him into the apartment. “It won’t look good, will it? Shacked up with a convicted murderer.”
He felt sad for Zero. Pissed off, too. He was starting to understand. A convicted murderer. That was all he’d been reduced to. That was all Gillies saw and he doubted he was the only one.
A murderer was the last thing he saw when he looked at Zero, the last word he’d use to describe him. Zero was so much more than his past.
“He was saving his sister,” he said as he let the door fall shut before turning and following Gillies into the kitchen.
“He shot the guy repeatedly,” Gillies said with a cocked brow. “Emptied the gun.”
“He was a pedophile. Anyone would’ve done that.”
What a turn this had taken. He was actively defending Zero and he wasn’t even ashamed or embarrassed about it. Just a few days ago, he would’ve thought he’d gone crazy if he knew what he was doing right now.
The thing was, Zero hadn’t changed from when he’d killed his foster father to now. He was still a protector, a hero. He was Jack’s loudest and fiercest defender. It was only fair that it went both ways.
“Would you?”
“Are you wearing a wire?” Jack asked, brows drawing together.
Gillies shook his head and started unbuttoning his dress shirt. A year ago, he would’ve been watching because he wanted to see those abs, but now? All he wanted was to confirm whether there was a wire or not. He couldn’t give less of a shit about hard muscles and toned skin. Not unless it was Zero’s.
He was losing his fucking mind.
Gillies untucked his shirt to get to the last buttons, then held open the shirt to let Jack see. There was no wire in sight. He still didn’t trust him. He never would.
Gillies stepped closer, running his gaze all over Jack. All he felt was… icky. This fucker actually thought he might fuck him again? Fuck no.
“Come on now,” Gillies purred.
Jack shook his head slowly. “You really think I would still want you? That I could look at you with anything but disgust? You’re conceited, Gillies.”
Gillies pressed closer, his body all up against Jack’s and he instantly felt trapped. He felt like he was bound on hands and feet because as much as he wanted to push the jerk away and slam his fist into his face, he knew he couldn’t.
Assaulting an officer of the law was not something he wanted on his record, nor did he want to get back in the justice system because he knew how fucked he’d be if he did.
He heard the front door open and saw the smug smile on Gillies’ face.
He was frozen, unable to warn Zero or push Gillies away.