Page 38 of Zero
Jack shot off a few more rounds before opening the door and jumping in. Zero slammed his foot down on the speeder and the car flew backward, leaving skid marks on the ground when he jerked the wheel to the right.
The pings of bullets hitting the car had him flinching and it took him a second before he managed to get the car into first gear. Once he had it, they were off much faster than he’d anticipated and he barely managed to turn the corner without clipping the back of the car against the wall.
He tore out of the parking garage and didn’t slow down until they were on the freeway and he was sure no one was following them.
“Who the hell was those guys?”
He glanced at Jack for a fleeting second, but it was long enough to catch him clenching his jaw hard.
Chapter Eleven
THEY DIDN’T talk much except when Jack gave him directions. They’d been driving for about an hour, and he didn’t know what the hell to say so he just kept quiet. He figured Jack was either doing the same or he was lost in his own mind. Knowing Jack, it was probably the latter.
“You okay?” he asked, glancing at Jack for a second before looking back at the road.
Jack grunted, then said, “Turn left here.”
He turned and slowed down when they hit a gravel road.
“That wasn’t an answer.”
“I don’t really have one, Z.”
He didn’t like the sound of that, so he reached over to put a hand on Jack’s thigh. Jack slipped his hand under Zero’s, surprising him when he laced their fingers together.
His heart was jumping in joy and his lips lifted into a smile.
He was loving this moment between them despite everything that happened earlier.
They continued down the road for a few minutes until Jack told him to take another turn and then they were in front of a cabin. It was modest but not small by any means.
He stepped out of the car and was staring up at the dark wooden building when a hand slid into his. He glanced up at Jack.
“Where are we?”
“Safehouse,” Jack said and tugged him along.
They walked to the front door that was equipped with a keypad. Jack typed in a code. There was a beep, and a blinking green light, then Jack pushed down the handle and opened the door.
Jack led him through the house, down a hallway, and into a bedroom. There, he let go of Zero’s hand and went to the dresser, and started pulling open the drawers.
“Should we… should we call King?” he asked tentatively.
He knew it was probably the last thing Jack would want to do, but King could help. He could keep them safe from whoever was targeting Jack.
“No phones,” Jack muttered and kept rummaging through a drawer.
Zero shook his head with a sigh and went to sit on the king-sized bed. He looked down at his hands, not surprised to find that they were shaking.
“Jack?” he croaked out, barely recognizing his own voice.
This was… too much.
It had been too much an hour ago but right then it was all just crashing down around him. The bomb. Being shot at. Jack speaking of getting dragged back to prison. He couldn’t do that. Jack couldn’t go back in but he also couldn’t lose him to whatever this was. Not now.