Page 59 of Zero
Jack gave him a nod, then turned to Auggie and asked, “Do you know where he’s holding her?”
“I managed to track them to a building in Shipley Hill. Drug den, most likely. I can’t say for sure that either of them is still there, though.”
“It’ll have to do. Thanks, Aug,” he said.
King turned to Sully and said, “Round up anyone who’s around. I don’t like going into that part of town as it is and with this crazy bomb maker around, I like it even less.”
Sully left and King followed shortly, phone to his ear.
“We’ll go grab supplies,” Skinner said and grabbed Auggie’s hand to tug him along with him.
When the door closed after them, he turned toward Zero. He had an unreadable look on his face, his eyes still firmly on the screen.
“You think she’s still alive?” Zero asked, his voice low.
He fought back the emotions trying to take over and stepped in front of Zero, taking his hands in his and giving him a soft smile.
“She’s tough.”
Zero didn’t look convinced but he nodded.
He squeezed Zero’s hands, his throat feeling tight as he said, “You should stay. The concussion—”
“No. I’m going,” Zero said, the sharp tone of his voice making it clear nothing would change his mind. “I can’t ride but we need a cage anyway. We’re not putting Helena on the back of a bike in her condition.”
He cupped the back of Zero’s head and rested his forehead against his then took a deep breath to fill his lungs with the smell of him. He would never get enough of that.
He squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn’t believe he’d almost lost him, and all because of that piece of shit Benny. He was going to find him, and he was going to fucking kill the bastard.
Helena had better be alive because he wasn’t sure how he’d ever forgive himself for letting any of this happen otherwise.
They followed the others in the car. Jack was silent and he let him be.
Whatever they were about to walk into would be somewhere between heartbreaking and devastating. If Helena was alive, she wouldn’t be well off, and that was a big if. No matter the outcome, he would be there for Jack.
They all parked a bit from the address Auggie had given them, not wanting to be spotted, and split up in pairs as they headed there.
It was a two-story building with a small parking lot off to one side. It was filled with cars that had obviously been stripped for parts.
He followed Jack through the front door, their guns at the ready while they searched each room. He wasn’t surprised to find quite a few junkies inside. They were all high as fuck and barely registered their presence.
Jack went into a room to clear it just as someone else came out of the room across from it.
It was a man and he clocked the piece he had shoved into the front of his jeans in a second.
“Hands,” Zero barked at him.
Surprise flashed across the man’s face as he raised his arms. He looked… not high. There was only one reason someone in a drug den wasn’t high. He was the one selling the shit.
“You with Benny?” he asked through gritted teeth.
The guy shook his head and said, “Fuck no. I don’t want nothing to do with that psycho.”
Jack appeared behind him, gun aimed at the back of his head.
“Keep your hands up,” Jack said and grabbed the man’s gun. “Get outta here.”