Page 61 of Zero
“I fucked up everything for Jack. I’m not gonna do it again by letting you get hurt,” she said, a gentle look in her eyes until she turned her gaze on her ex. She sneered at him. “I may be leaving in a body bag, but so will you.”
Benny pulled something out from the inner pocket of his jacket and held it up while he yelled, “You think I won’t blow us all to kingdom come? Huh? You think I’m a fucking coward?”
In fact, he did.
But everyone had their limit, and he wasn’t about to bet on Benny’s being pushing that button and blowing them up.
They checked every last place Benny could possibly be and came up with nothing. The fucker must’ve spotted them and split. Or he hadn’t been there in the first place.
“We already got Helena,” King said. “We’re not gonna find Benny here.”
“I’m not leaving before I’ve put a bullet through his skull,” Jack snapped.
King gave him a hard stare. “He’s not here. We need to regroup. Let Auggie find him and then you can shoot him.”
He threw his hands up with a frustrated groan, then turned on his heels and walked away. He hated that King was right. He wanted it over with now so he knew Zero and Helena and the rest of his family were safe from this maniac.
He heard footsteps behind him and wasn’t surprised to find his brother following him.
They went back through the building’s shitty parking lot and he kept glancing into the cars just to make sure no one had missed anything.
Yelling had him freezing and then he was running.
He caught sight of Benny on the sidewalk, then saw Zero and Helena. She was in front of Zero. He’d never seen him look as shaken up as he did right then.
The second he spotted Benny holding something in his hand, he motioned for Sully to stop as a feeling of pure dread filled him and it didn’t get any better when Benny yelled, “I’ve got this whole place rigged, and what? You think I won’t do it?”
He waved Sully off, ignoring his brother’s confused look. He needed Sully to get the fuck outta there. He already had two people he loved in danger. He wasn’t going to add another one. Especially one that had a baby on the way.
He gave Sully a stern look and pointed. Sully didn’t exactly look happy about it, but he retreated.
He holstered his gun and put up his hands.
“Hey,” he yelled, stepping out onto the street. “I’m the one you want, right?”
“No, Jack. Get out of here,” Zero yelled.
Benny whirled around and he had to admit he felt a tiny bit proud of how crooked the man’s nose was. He’d definitely left a lasting impression last time.
The guy had looked pissed off that night but now? He looked like someone who’d lost their fucking mind.
“You,” Benny sneered.
“Bombs, Benny?” He stepped closer. “That seems like something a coward would use. You’re not a coward, are you?”
Was he trying to piss off the guy standing with a trigger to a bomb? Yes. Because anything that got Benny the fuck away from Zero and Helena was a good thing.
“Fuck you,” Benny snapped. “I’m not a fucking coward.”
He looked over Benny’s shoulder and caught Zero’s gaze. He didn’t like the pure terror he saw in those blues. Zero wasn’t afraid for himself and he got that. He really fucking did. He wasn’t about to let anything happen to the man he loved.
The second Benny was within reach, he gave Zero a slight nod and he pulled Helena down to the ground with him and covered her with his body.
He slammed his fist into Benny’s face and grabbed him by the wrist of the hand he held the trigger in.
Benny roared and slammed his shoulder into Jack’s chest, sending them both flying to the ground. He landed hard and it pushed the air right out of his lungs, but he still held onto Benny’s hand.