Page 17 of Steel
The joyous laughter spilling from Kai had him forgetting to breathe for a second.
“Then at least tell me your name, huh?”
He gave Kai a disbelieving look.
“Don’t tell me you knew where I lived but didn’t look at the name on the mailbox?”
Kai’s wry smile did something to Steel’s insides.
Kai shrugged. “Nah. It seemed like one of those things you have to earn in order to know.”
“You think you’ve earned it?”
Kai gave him a bashful smile and batted his lashes at him. Steel simply raised a brow at him in response.
“It was worth a try,” Kai said with a shrug.
Steel shook his head and found himself smiling at Kai. Yeah, the man was definitely under his skin. Whatever walls he’d put up, whatever lines he’d drawn, Kai was slowly but surely blasting his way through them all.
Chapter Six
HE WOKE in bed, his throat parched, and he wouldn’t be surprised if he’d woken himself up by snoring.
He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. A glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand told him it was only two in the morning. He’d barely slept more than a few hours.
He threw the blanket aside and stood from the bed. He walked his tired ass into the kitchen where he grabbed a glass and filled it with water from the fridge dispenser. He drank it all down, the cold water feeling so damn nice.
The moon had to be almost full from the amount of light it shone through the skylight. It was bathing the whole kitchen and living area in a soft white glow.
He wasn’t surprised that he couldn’t sleep. His mind had been spinning with all things Kai the whole evening. Kai had been quiet. He’d barely looked at Steel who should’ve appreciated it. He hadn’t. He’d gotten almost mad at himself when he’d realized he actually liked the annoying Kai. That he’d missed the teasing and endless innuendo.
He put the empty glass in the sink and headed back to his room. He rounded the corner and walked straight into Kai. He didn’t move but Kai wobbled, and his hands went to Kai’s hips on instinct.
“What the hell…” He forgot how to speak for a moment when he realized there was warm skin under his fingers. “Are you naked?”
Kai blinked those dark eyes up at him, a sheen of pink across his cheeks that was barely visible in the moonlight.
“Uh. Yeah. I sleep in the nude.”
“Why?” When Kai opened his mouth, Steel hurried to say, “Don’t answer that.”
Kai’s brow scrunched up and that shouldn't have been adorable, but most importantly, why the hell was he still holding onto Kai?
As if his fingers had a life of their own, they squeezed Kai’s hips, the skin feeling hot and soft under his touch.
Kai gasped, gaze dropping between them for a second before he looked back up into Steel’s eyes.
They were too close. His heart was hammering in his chest. Fuck. He could feel Kai getting aroused against his thigh.
“Steel?” Kai asked, voice sounding husky and so fucking needy. Not like all of those times when he’d played with Steel. When he’d practically thrown himself at him. This was different. This… felt real.
“This is a bad idea.”
That didn’t mean he wasn’t gonna do it. He just wanted it on the record.
“I think I like your bad ideas,” Kai said, some of that sparkle back in his eyes.