Page 5 of Steel
Kai was hot. He could admit that much to himself. And, yes, Kai may have been the final push he’d needed to explore his sexuality. Kai had flirted with him non-stop and as much as he didn’t want to admit it, it had gotten him hot under the collar quite a few times.
He’d been with a few men since then, but none of them had made him want to stick around for a relationship despite how great the sex had been.
Maybe there was just something wrong with him? Settling down probably just wasn’t in the cards for him.
He should just focus on the shelter and the kids. Yeah. He liked that plan. Helping those kids would make him happy and that was all he needed.
They’d been hired to take out a senator and to do it with as many casualties as possible to conceal the fact that they were after the senator. He wasn’t doing it. He’d made that decision while getting slobbered all over by King yesterday.
He’d done a lot of bad shit in his life. Hell, he killed people for a living, but he’d made a deal with Isaac years ago that he would only take out bad people, and under no circumstances would he kill a kid. Isaac knew. Briggs didn’t. Whether Isaac had a hand in Briggs picking Kai for this hit, he didn’t know, but it would be detrimental to all of them.
He pulled the strap of the backpack containing the bomb over his shoulder and headed for the drop-off point. While he’d made sure the bomb wouldn’t blow, he still had to look like he was doing his job.
When the bomb didn’t go off, they’d think the one who built it had made a mistake. He didn’t know what would happen after that. He hadn’t thought that far. He hadn’t wanted to. Isaac would probably send someone else to end the senator’s life. A traffic ‘accident’ seemed most likely.
As long as he wasn’t the one killing a bunch of innocent people, he’d be fine. Mostly. He didn’t want them to die, but he wasn’t so sure there was anything he could do to stop it. In his experience, if someone wanted to kill you, they would.
He walked past the designated trash can and smoothly dropped the bag into it. The less suspicious you acted, the less people tended to notice you. Looking around like someone might catch you doing something shady was a surefire way to get caught.
He headed back to the hotel where he’d set up earlier. He’d be able to watch the trash can from there to set off the bomb when the senator sat down at the bench across from it to have his lunch as he always did according to the info Isaac had provided. Even if the bomb wasn’t going to work, he still had to act as if he thought it would.
He was wearing non-descript clothes and a cap, hiding his identity, but it wasn’t the cops watching the security footage of the area that worried him. It was Isaac watching it.
The bomb not going off would be suspicious enough in itself. He didn’t need to add to it.
He headed inside the hotel and walked up the stairs and when he reached the right floor, he dug his key card out of his back pocket. He walked to his room and placed the key card on the scanner. Once it beeped and flashed green, he pushed down the handle and stepped inside.
He came to a sharp halt when he saw Briggs standing in front of the window.
“What are you doing here?”
Briggs gave him a toothy smile and said, “I wanted to see it firsthand.”
That didn’t answer how the fuck Briggs knew this was where he’d be watching from. Had Isaac sent Briggs here? Why?
He grunted and went to stand next to Briggs who was holding a pair of binoculars. At least the asshole had brought his own.
Kai grabbed his pair off the windowsill and looked through them while contemplating murder. Isaac’s. For whatever this shit was.
He didn’t fucking like it.
“There he is,” Briggs said, excitement in his voice.
It made Kai want to vomit.
He blinked back into focus and Briggs was correct. The senator was sitting on his bench, unwrapping the food his wife had probably made for him. Right in front of the museum filled with people. Mainly kids on school excursions. The bomb would’ve taken out a good chunk of the building.
“What are you waiting for?”
Kai lowered his binoculars and clenched his jaw tight before looking at Briggs.
“I don’t wanna do it too early. That would make the timing more suspicious.”
Briggs grunted and waved him off.
Kai barely kept from rolling his eyes and took a deep breath before reaching for the detonator. He hit the button and after a few seconds of nothing happening, Briggs cursed.