Page 58 of Steel
“Um. That’s a wire, sweetheart.”
How he was keeping his cool, he had no idea. Survival instinct maybe?
“Cops,” Isaac snarled.
Kai shrugged. He wasn’t sure if it mattered that Isaac thought he was working with the cops instead of the Disciples. Though he was sure the cops would’ve already stormed the building by now. Where the fuck were the Disciples? They had the confession already. Where was Steel?
A small part of him wondered if Steel wasn’t coming. If his words had meant nothing. If he was on his own. But that was the pain and fear talking. He knew Steel. The man he loved was coming for him. He knew it.
Isaac grabbed the wire and pulled it off, Kai hissing when the tape came off too. Isaac threw the wire onto the ground, cursing under his breath. Kai slipped out of his ruined shirt and was trying to get up when an explosion rocked the building and sent them both scrambling to the floor.
He ended up on his hands and knees, head jerking up to see Isaac kneeling with his hands on the floor close to him.
He’d dropped the knife. It was on the floor between them.
One look confirmed that Isaac had seen it too and they both went for it.
He threw himself onto his stomach to grab it, fingers wrapping around the hilt a split second before Isaac reached him. He swung the knife toward Isaac, his heart hammering in his chest as blood splattered between them.
Chapter Sixteen
HE GAVE Scar a horrified look to which she just shrugged and grinned back at him. When she’d said she had planted an explosive device, this wasn’t what he’d expected. That explosion could have torn down the whole house.
“Was that really necessary?”
“It’ll keep them busy,” Hawk said and tapped Steel’s shoulder to get him moving.
He grunted and took off toward the driveway in front of the cabin Kai was in. When Hawk had texted that he’d bring backup, he’d thought maybe he’d show up with a couple of the guys and not some crazy lady. Granted, she probably got as much done as several of the guys could have. In less time.
Kai better still be alive. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he wasn’t. He just knew he’d feel empty. Life would be empty without his little assassin to keep him on his toes.
He tried to focus on the task at hand. The explosion had drawn the attention of the three men who’d been standing guard by the cars. Two of them were headed toward the blast site while the last one ran up the stairs.
They moved closer, the adrenaline starting to hit him. He knew there were more men somewhere. He just didn’t know where.
He’d barely finished that thought when a hand landed on his shoulder and pulled him behind a car right before bullets tore up the ground where he’d just been.
“Fuck,” he hissed, turning to give Hawk a quick nod of thanks before trying to figure out where the hell those shots had come from.
“There,” Scar said, pointing toward the trees.
He couldn’t see how many there were, but they were effectively cutting off their access to the cabin.
“We need to get past them,” he said to Hawk who nodded. He turned to Scar, ducking when another hail of bullets rained down on them. “You got any more of those bombs?”
Scar shook her head and shot off a few rounds toward the trees.
“I used it all,” she yelled.
They were pinned down and Kai was up there alone. He didn’t even know if he was alive. The thought had panic trying to take hold.
Gunfire sounded from behind them. He whirled around and brought his gun up, but relief hit him instead of dread. Seemed his brothers had finally decided to join the action. It was about fucking time.
With them providing cover, they could make their way up the stairs.