Page 61 of Steel
“He got shot,” Kai said, panic starting to slowly hit him.
Steel grunted. “He got stabbed.”
“Quite the pair, aren’t you? Let’s get you the fuck out of here,” Hawk said and stepped over Isaac’s body, but before he reached them, he turned around and put two bullets in Isaac.
“A bit overkill, wouldn’t you say?” Kai drawled.
Hawk shrugged. “Double tap or die.
Kai rolled his eyes, then winced. Who knew moving your eyes could hurt? Granted, it was probably because he’d slammed his head into the floor when he’d fought Isaac.
“Let’s get you two to the hospital,” Nic said.
Steel groaned and when Kai met his gaze, Steel said, “My brother’s gonna kill me.”
While he was pretty sure they had bigger issues, he was also dreading seeing Tony. Last time, he’d been sent to kill the man, after all, and if Tony didn’t approve of their relationship? Fuck. That wouldn’t be good. That wouldn’t be good at all.
His brother had stitched him up while Kai was in surgery. He’d been a fucking mess until Tony got word from Kai’s surgeon that he was okay. Minimal damage, all things considered. He wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but he’d take it. He’d take anything that meant Kai was alive. He was still going a bit out of his mind with worry when Tony appeared in the doorway to his room.
“He’s awake,” Tony said with a soft smile.
“Oh, thank fuck,” Steel said on a relieved breath.
“I’m having them bring him up here, so you won’t tear the place apart looking for him.”
His brother knew him too well.
He gave Tony a grateful smile and dropped back against his pillows.
“You doing okay?”
Steel nodded. “I’m fine.”
“Keep that leg elevated,” Tony said with a stern look.
“It’s up, isn’t it?”
He had a mountain of pillows shoved under his leg to keep it up. It was swollen as all hell. They hadn’t been able to see any fractures on the x-ray, but they’d told him to come back for another one once the swelling went down a bit.
“I’ll get you some ice,” Tony said and left.
He wasn’t even sure the ice was helping, though he was also on some pretty hefty painkillers. He still got a sharp pain when he moved too fast, but other than that, he was alright. It was Kai he was worried about. He knew Kai was tough. He was the most resilient man he knew. He’d be okay. He had to.
Voices and footsteps nearing had him perking up and a sigh escaped him when a bed was rolled into the room. Kai was cracking a joke that made the nurse laugh.
Kai turned his head and when he saw Steel, a big smile spread on his face.
“Oh, hi babe.”
“Hi,” Steel said.
“He’s still a bit affected by the anesthesia,” the nurse said to Steel. “But no need to worry. We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Thank you.”
She walked out just as Tony returned with a fresh pack of ice. He came to a halt when he saw Kai.