Page 17 of Wrecked
We’re shooting the bedroom bits, and Ryan slowly pulls the grungy t-shirt he’s wearing over his head and slings it onto the ground before methodically lowering himself onto the bed with her. His hands expertly trace every inch of her torso, just as the lyrics suggested. The new song, Sealed Fate, blares from the speakers to lead them. It wasn't easy to watch as the camera zoomed in for close-up shots of them. His fingers gently brushing against her skin, her gasping at his touch. It felt like we were intruding on a private moment, which was either a testament to their incredible acting chops or some real red-hot chemistry.
An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as I watch him place a trail of kisses down her body. I turn away and find a seat off to the side for a quick breather. It doesn’t take long for Gareth to appear by my side.
"First time on set?" he whispers, leaning in close so that his breath tickles my ear.
I nod, and he smiles. "It seems so... real," I whisper back to him, leaning in so that I don't disrupt the shoot.
"Yeah, that's the point, though. We have to make it believable. You know you did a great job on all this. I think the fans are going to love it." He seems so genuine, and I'm not sure why that is so surprising.
"I hope so," I say tentatively.
He leans in again and his lips are so close, they’re basically brushing against my ear. "We always celebrate after a shoot. You should come, it'll be fun. Plus, you need to get to know your new clients." Gareth’s voice radiates confidence and the way words drip from his lips always seems to have a tinge of naughtiness.
Just as I am about to respond, the director barks an order at Ryan. "Knox, where's your head, man? She's the love of your life. Make us believe that."
My attention snaps to Ryan. His eyes are not on the gorgeous model below him but on me and Gareth. Ryan looks like he's about two seconds from jumping off the bed and strangling him.
The director’s voice booms again. "Earth to Ryan, I know you can hear me."
Ryan ignores him and continues to stare. The frustration building in the room creates a thickness to the air that makes everyone uncomfortable, especially Katarina.
"Sorry, it's hard to concentrate when I can hear whispering in the background," Ryan spits out, emerald eyes furious.
Olivia looks in our direction and pleads with Gareth using her eyes to quiet down. "Let's get this over with so everyone can get out of here, deal?"
He rolls his eyes and places his fingers over his lips, then slides them across, pretending to zip them shut. When she turns her gaze back towards the scene, he winks at me and rises from the chair.
That asshole.
Chapter Eleven
The final scene was in the pool. It was dark outside now, and Ryan and Katarina were entangled on the steps. Their bodies were partially covered by the dark water, but you could see enough to know they were both completely naked. Well, at least that’s what the viewers would think. The intimacy coordinator on set made sure of that. In reality, they both were wearing nude-colored briefs that covered them up, and Katarina had on some petals that covered her nipples.
Once the director felt like he had the shot, he called “Cut,” and a few people from the wardrobe department met them both at the water’s edge with towels and robes.
“I think I’ve got everything. Great job, everyone. This is going to be magic,” the director said, a smug look of self-appreciation covering his face.
Ryan stalked away from the cameras and into a bedroom to put on some clothes and Katarina followed not far behind.
“A thousand bucks he bags her tonight,” Ant says to Gareth when he joins us by the sofa.
“Hell, he’ll owe me a thousand if he doesn’t. She’s been flashing those come fuck me eyes at him the whole time,” Gareth says, laughing.
I try to push away the small part of me that can’t stand to hear their exchange.
Why wouldn’t he sleep with her? They’re both gorgeous and after the show they just put on all day, there is likely a good bit of pent-up sexual tension. When Ryan reenters the room, he’s wearing his grungy T-shirt again paired with some ripped-up black jeans. “What kind of shit are you talking about now, Gareth?”
Gareth shrugs innocently. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, man.”
They both laugh, and I am relieved that whatever the hell was happening earlier seems to be over.
Neil looks up from his phone long enough to ask what the plan is for tonight.
“I’m thinking Rafters,” Ant answers. “It’s chill, but not too chill. You know?”
Neil shrugs. “I’m down. Knox?”