Page 13 of No Place To Hide
“Punished?” I squeak, unable to form a coherent sentence.
Jackson’s arms envelop me, so tight around my waist it’s hard to breathe. He feels so hard behind me, like a wall of solid steel.
His skin is hot, fire against my cool terror.
“I’ll give you a head start,” he growls into my ear. “Three minutes, Blair.”
I’ve had nightmares that started out like this. A monster has me in their clutches and I break free, running for my life, pleading with the gods to save me.
This isn’t a nightmare though, and this monster is very much real.
There is no waking up from this.
The scariest part is that I’m not sure I would want to wake up.
Fear. Intrigue. Need.
My hunter releases me, shoving me away from his reach.
“Time starts now, princess.”
My feet are cemented to the floor, my mind and body still at war over whether or not to do this.
“Jackson—” I start, but his voice grows louder in the darkness and my entire being tenses.
“Run,” he growls, sounding more like a feral animal than a man.
The ground shakes under my pounding steps.
I slam into a wall, not knowing where the hell the exit is.
Don’t look back.
I feel my way down the fabric covered sides, not caring when something sharp bites at the flesh on my hands.
Light outlines my salvation when I finally reach the door that leads back outside.
Don’t stop.
I take the steps that lead down from the fun house two at a time, and when my shoes hit the grass, I do exactly as I was told.
I fucking run.
I probably should’ve asked what her limits were. It didn’t occur to me that she might be new to this. But with the way her hair felt wrapped around my fist, and the sound of her breath coming out in short gasps, the only thing on my mind was the game.
I can hear her footsteps getting further away.
There’s only so many places for her to run.
She doesn’t know the carnival like I do.
It won’t take long for me to find her, if I can’t catch up first.