Page 15 of No Place To Hide
I wait, but nothing happens. I shove my hand inside, expecting to grab her wrist, but all I come out with is a fistful of hay. What the hell?
I dig around, leveling the hay until there’s no way I can deny she’s not fucking here. I turn around to see the little girl wiggling her fingers at me before she skips away.
She scammed me.
I want to kill that kid.
I’m covered in hay, and pissed off, but impressed. Blair’s not making it easy for me. I like that.
I trudge my way out of the huge mess I made, thinking about where the hell she could be. One of the rides? Ferris wheel? Haunted house?
I’m just about to exit the stable when I see it. The ladder leading up to the loft. Why didn’t I think of this before giving that little scammer my last ten bucks? Who taught her that? Where the fuck are her parents?
I raise my head, seeing fresh scuff marks on the ladder, like someone was rushing to get up there. A slow smile creeps across my face. I start the climb up the ladder, making sure my foot doesn’t hit the spots where the wood creaks. Peeking my head over the floor of the loft, I look around. Everything looks the same, the bags of feed and hay bales still where I left them earlier.
I don’t trust it.
I walk up the last few rungs, standing above the crowd surrounding the petting zoo. Good thing the carnival is about to close. I don’t know how I feel about fucking above a bunch of kids.
I don’t move, just listen. I focus on keeping my breath quiet, cocking my head when I hear a scuffle. It could be a rat looking for food. There’s a small thump and a louder, “Fuck.”
Yeah, it’s a rat. A really big one.
I creep toward the bags of feed. She’s sitting down, her back to me, rubbing her elbow.
“Hurt yourself?” I ask, her head turning so fast I’m surprised she didn’t give herself whiplash. She gasps, attempting to scurry away from me. I grab her ankle before she can, pulling her back toward me. She flips onto her back, kicking her legs out.
“You cheated!” she says as she looks around, trying to find a way to escape. “That couldn’t have been three minutes!”
I’m too focused on trying to avoid her kicking my balls to answer. She’s flinging her legs everywhere, like a goddamn donkey. Even her fucking shoes fly off. As soon as I catch her left leg, the right one kicks me in the shin. She freezes.
“You’re going to regret that,” I say, my eyes darkening.
She squeaks, and I drop to my knees. I pin her wrists above her head, my face hovering over hers.
“That wasn’t three minutes,” she insists, her voice no louder than a whisper.
“Does it matter?” I ask.
“You’re not following the rules.”
“Rule #4.”
“You said there were three rules!”
“Did I?”
I run my nose along the side of her face. Her breath hitches.
“Y-Yes. You did.”
“Huh. Well, I guess you shouldn’t trust strangers. Haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger?”
“If you don’t play by the rules, then there’s no game.”
“Says who? You? You seem to have been misinformed that you’re the one in charge here, sweetheart. Did you already forget paying off that little girl? Looks like neither of us care much about cheating to get our way.”
I keep her wrists trapped in one hand as I snake the other down her body, stopping right before I reach the hem of her shorts. My mind is muddled with thoughts of all the things I want to do to her. But first, fair’s fair.