Page 20 of No Place To Hide
An hour? Maybe longer?
My leg has fallen asleep, and I know the second I try to stretch it out the painful sensation of pins and needles will follow.
I try to shift my weight slowly enough that I don’t rock the basket.
Easier said than done.
I use my arms to push up, and the sound of the metal hinge securing the basket to the beam overhead makes me want to melt right back into the floor.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I freeze, praying the noise wasn’t noticeable from the ground.
The anticipation is enough to send my nerves into overdrive. I fully expect to hear Jackson’s smug voice yell up at me at any moment.
Got you, princess.
But nothing comes, only more eerie silence coming from the abandoned carnival below.
I wait for the basket to stop swaying and try to push up once more, this time successfully getting into a sitting position without it moving.
I reach for the bar in the center and use it to steady myself, the electric pin pricks firing off in my leg as it wakes back up.
My voice of reason tells me not to look.
It’s screaming for me to stay put and not test the limits any further.
I have to, though. I have to know for sure that he hasn’t found me. I have to know whether I outsmarted my hunter, and that he is still out there scouring the grounds searching for me.
I grasp onto the side of the bucket, inching to the edge with such caution it’s a wonder I’m moving at all.
My breath hitches in my throat and I close my eyes, trying to find the strength to look.
Don’t do it.
I lean over the edge and exhale slowly, then open my eyes.
Jackson stands below me, head cocked to one side with a devious smirk playing on his lips. His eyes are swimming with victory and something darker.
I’ve been caught… again.
I hold her stare as I lean over and turn the key. I keep the lights off, but the ride creaks as it slowly starts to spin.
She’s out of her mind if she thinks I’m climbing up that thing. I looked everywhere I could think of, including three separate trash cans.
I didn’t think she would scale an entire fucking Ferris wheel.
Those green eyes disappear from my sight, and I can only imagine what she’s thinking.
“You almost did it!” I call out. “Really made me work for it this time!”
Now I’m going to make her repay the favor.
“Rule #3!” she calls back.