Page 5 of No Place To Hide
“It is necessary. You didn’t have to speak up.”
I exhale and keep walking. “Well, you thanked me. Have a nice night.”
“Wait up!” she calls after me, picking up her pace to match mine.
“Look, I don’t make it a habit to involve myself in lover’s quarrels. I also don’t make it a habit to babysit damsels in distress—”
The light from the entrance to Shifty’s falls across her face and my words catch in my throat before I can finish whatever asshole sentence that was about to come out of my mouth.
Shit. She’s gorgeous.
Her golden hair is gathered in a high ponytail, with a few strands framing her heart-shaped face. Light green eyes that remind me of a meadow of tall grass, and perfectly pink lips.
“Damsel in distress? Seriously?” She plops a hand on her hip and looks at me incredulously. “That makes you… what? My knight in shining armor?”
I shake my head. “No knight here. Just a guy who needs to get back to work.”
She surveys the empty railing, noting the lack of patrons.
“Right…” Her tongue clicks against the roof of her mouth. “Because you’re so busy.”
I take a step toward her, expecting her to cower back. When she doesn’t, I can feel the slightest tinge of a smile trying to pull at my lips.
She looks so small, with me towering over her.
“What’s your name?” she asks in her honey-sweet voice.
I narrow my eyes, not sure how opening my mouth ended up with me making small talk with a pageant princess outside the fun house.
“Jackson,” I tell her after a few seconds pass.
A radiant smile appears, and I curse myself for all the things I want to do to her.
All the ways I want to take that sweet, innocent little mouth and make it do horribly dirty things.
“I’m Blair, and the guy you saved me from is my ex. Travis. He isn’t taking the breakup well.”
I stuff my hands into my pockets and lean against the railing.
She takes a step toward me. “How in the world did you end up working at a place like this? You don’t look like—”
“Like a carnie?” I finish, and she takes her bottom lip into her teeth.
“I didn’t mean it in a bad way. I just mean you don’t exactly look like you fit in… with the others.”
She’s carefully choosing her words, trying to not offend me or any potential carnie friends I may have.
“The carnival doesn’t do background checks, and most places don’t hire people with records like mine.”
I see the fear flash in her eyes and my cock twitches in my pants.
She looks up at me, doe eyes beaming with conflict. Her curiosity is exploding but her brain is telling her to walk away.
She should walk away.
“Blair!” a voice calls out from across the opening in front of the fun house. “What the hell are you doing?”