Page 20 of 23 1/2 Lies
“You call me as much as you want.”
“Is the report ready now?”
“Being typed.”
“Okay. I’ll call you later.” I kissed her cheek and was walking away when Claire called out.
“Wait,” she said. “What are we doing with my patient?”
“Cat will be in touch.”
I waved goodbye and headed down the breezeway to the Hall’s back door. It was just over thirty-six hours since Marty Boxer had been shot in classic execution style. I wanted to see Yuki Castellano. Yuki is an ADA, a rising star in the DA’s office. She’s also Brady’s wife and my very good friend.
I CALLED YUKI from the street and she picked up on the first ring. I asked if she had a minute to meet me outside HOJ’s main entrance so we could walk and talk.
“Be right there,” she said.
It was a short trip from Yuki’s second-floor office to the building’s entrance, and two minutes after I called her, Yuki was there, dressed in a fine blue suit, four-inch heels, and a navy-blue streak in her hair.
“Oh my God. Linds, I’m at a loss for words. Brady told me about your father,” she said. “How are you? Are you okay?”
Yuki is so sharp sparks fly off her and I knew all I could tell her was the bare truth.
“Yesterday almost made me crazy. Too many thoughts. Well, you know how I felt about Marty. I woke up this morning thinking that his death doesn’t materially affect my life. But it affects Cat and her girls. I have to find his killer for them.”
Yuki was following me. “What’s your plan?”
“I’m working on it.”
“How can I help?”
I said, “I’ve gotta give you the short version now, okay? I have a meeting with Brady in ten minutes.”
“Do the best you can.”
I told Yuki what little I knew about Marty’s second wife and that I needed to see Darla Boxer, pronto. “She may know who did this—or she may have done it herself.”
“Call me if you need a warrant.”
“Let’s just say I need a search warrant for Darla Witt Boxer’s house and car.”
“Done,” she said.
Yuki and I hugged outside the main door to the Hall. And once I was inside an elevator, I understood what I’d half-heard Joe say as I was falling asleep in my soup last night. Something about wanting Conklin, and want him I did.
Conklin has a gift. Women just trust him.
I’d never seen him fail.
I REPORTED ON yesterday’s operations to Brady and he took notes.
“There’s a term for all this.”
“Harrowing,” I said. “Mind-splitting.”