Page 145 of Hate to Love You
“Good,” I nod, rubbing my chin to hide my amusement at her obvious jealousy. “But that red dress you bought, isn’t appropriate. So, you’re going to need to get another one.”
“No, I don’t,” she says, slamming my black credit card down on the desk. “I’ve decided I’m not going,”
She slides it aggressively toward me.
“Oh really?”
“Yes,” she snaps, glaring up at me. “I’m busy that day.”
Why do I like it when she’s angry?
“Then I guess you’ll have to cancel your plans,” I shrug, putting my hands in my pockets. “Because, unfortunately, it’s part of your job.”
“I don’t recall seeing it as part of my job description,” she fires back, crossing her arms across her chest. “And if it’s not part of my job description, I’m not doing—”
“Actually, Miss Wayne, it is,” I interrupt, narrowing my eyes at her provokingly. “Now it wasn’t in the posted job description, but that’s usually a vague list of the general daily duties, which is pretty standard for the industry.”
“What?” She gasps, her eyes widening.
“However, the document you signed during your onboarding said, and I quote, ‘the executive assistant will attend any and all business and/or social events as required by the executive.’” I say, a wicked grin spreading across my face. “I know it’s in there, because I wrote it myself.”
Abby glares at me before yanking a drawer open, and pulling out a file labeled Onboarding Docs. She slams it down on her desk and rips it open, frantically flipping through pages. When she finds the copy of her signed job description, she begins running her finger down the length of the document.
“Fifth paragraph, I believe,” I whisper. “I remember I really liked the placement.”
“Shh!” She snaps at me without looking up. “I’m reading.”
“Didn’t you read it when you signed it?” I snort sarcastically. “You know, it’s a dangerous habit to sign things you don’t fully understand. Can get you into some sticky situations I’m afraid.”
I watch with satisfaction as she slumps back into her chair, gripping the paper so hard it crumples.
“So, as I said,” I say, licking my bottom lip. “You’ll have to cancel your plans. Because I do require you that night. Solely for a business event.”
Abby purses her lips together, her adorable pale cheeks turning red with frustration.
“But from what I can tell, you still need the appropriate attire,” I say, sliding my card back across the desk to her. “So, get a different fucking dress, Abigail.”
And without another word I leave my speechless sulking assistant where she sits, and head off downstairs.
“Tell me once more,” a slightly excited, and slightly hammered Pasha says from the back seat of the Cadillac.
“Dude, he’s told you like ten times,” Nikolai snorts in the passenger seat. “How many more times do you need?”
“A lot!” Pasha bellows, laughing to himself. “Roman, just say it again. Do it for me. Come on! Because you love me.”
“No,” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “You know exactly what you need to do, and what I expect. Just make the transaction with Pace’s man, without any fuckups, and we’re golden.”
“Oh my God!” Pasha exclaims, shaking his head. “I just can’t believe you’re giving me a job like this. With Pace’s people too!”
“Jesus Christ, Pasha,” Lev laughs. “It’s just a job.”
“Maybe to you, fucknugget,” Pasha fires back. “But it’s my first assignment. And it’s guns! I love guns! Do you guys even know how much I love guns?”
“Yeah, we do,” Lev rolls his eyes. Because you’ve been raving about it for the last two hours.”
“Psssh,” Pasha laughs playfully. “Just because I’m not a masochist who likes getting my face kicked in every night in some underground fight club, doesn’t mean I can’t find a little pleasure in what I like to do.”
“Yeah, just don’t find so much pleasure that you accidentally cum on Roman’s leather seats,” Niko chuckles beside me. “Or your next job will be setting his car on fire.”