Page 231 of Hate to Love You
“Actually, Miss Wayne,” I smile broadly. “I was rather hoping that you’d join me. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
And I bet he is going to love this.
This time it’s not just surprise I see written on her face, but genuine excitement.
After shutting off the engine, I walk around to Abby’s side of the car and pull her up against my body, immediately pressing my lips to hers, and shoving my tongue inside her mouth.
“We’re about to go meet some very important, powerful people, Miss Wayne,” I growl, shoving her back against the car and burying my face in her neck. “So, if possible, try and not shoot anyone, alright?”
“No…promises,” she groans breathlessly as I slip my hand between her thighs. And the moment I realize that her panties are still hooked around my gear shift and squeeze her now bare pussy between my fingers I feel my cock throb.
I have no idea how this woman does this to me, but I love it.
Kissing her once more, I finally tear myself from her and take her hand, trying to calm myself.
I can’t walk in there with a hard-on, after all.
As we step past the giant steel doors, we find a little crowd of people standing between two massive Gulfstream jets.
“Oh, thank God,” I hear Ana say, her voice tinged in anxiety and annoyance as she throws her hands in the air and shoots me a very reproachful look. “There you are!”
“Roman,” a deep gravelly voice says loudly as we enter the now packed hangar. “How nice of you to join us, some of us were starting to get worried.”
“Oh, you know me, sweetheart,” I fire back sarcastically with a smirk as we approach. “I love to make an entrance.”
“That you do,” Jaxon Pace snorts, rubbing the smirk off his face before his hawk-like eyes immediately fall to the gorgeous brunette by my side. “And, you’ve brought company it seems.”
“This is—”
“Abigail Wayne,” she says, extending her hand to Jaxon without hesitation. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Pace.”
My eyes turn to her, and she glances up at me with a shrug.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that? Roman, I manage your calendar, remember? I’ve known about this meeting as long as you have.” She says, rolling her eyes. “Also, it’s not like the man is keeping a low profile, he was on the cover of TIME magazine last year for fucks sake.”
Jaxon chuckles, raising a brow, seemingly impressed.
“Oh, don’t encourage him,” a woman’s sultry voice replies, stepping up behind Chicago’s famous billionaire bachelor. “I’ve learned from experience that with mafia dons, it just goes straight to their heads.”
And as the stunningly beautiful blonde threads her left hand, boasting a massive rock sitting atop her matching tattoo, around Jaxon’s arm, I’m suddenly aware that this is the reason that the Don Supreme of Chicago has stopped burning the midnight oil at any of our old haunts.
…And also the reason he is no longer a bachelor.
“Noted,” Abby grins, which is coincidentally something I’ve only seen her do around Lizzie, and Ana.
“Hi,” Jaxon’s wife says warmly, extending her hand to Abby. “I’m Natalie Pace, pleasure to meet you.”
“Abigail Wayne,” she replies.
“Enchanted,” I say, politely taking Natalie’s hand and kissing it respectfully. “And congratulations on the wedding, I sincerely apologize that I was unable to make it.”
“Roman,” Ana says, huffing as she walks up to us, her stress evident on her face.
“Ana, have you met—”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she says, waving me off. “We had plenty of time to acquaint ourselves while we were waiting for you to arrive.”
She turns to the group with a transparently polite smile.