Page 24 of Hate to Love You
“He’s a fucking idiot!” Polina thunders, smacking Igor across the back of the head. “And a fucking pig!”
“Ow!” he bitches.
Suddenly she swipes a stapler off the nearest desk and flings it directly at her husband. It ricochets off his bald lumpy head and smashes into the glass wall of my office, which is thankfully bulletproof.
…And stapler-proof, evidently.
“Ow! What the hell?!” Igor snaps at her, rubbing her head. “What is wrong with you?”
“You! You are what’s wrong with me, you asswipe!” Polina snaps, grabbing a decorative desk plant off Kristinah’s desk. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to curate and train that whore for you?! You had no right to go outsourcing!”
She lobs the plant at Igor, sending Kristinah and the other office girl scurrying out of the way, and barely missing Igor’s head a second time.
“Fuck you, you crazy Antonov bitch!” Igor shouts.
“Igor!” Anastasia suddenly hisses viciously, as every one of us suddenly glares at him. “Watch your fucking tongue!”
“Hah!” Polina smirks arrogantly, glaring at her husband as she grabs my office door handle.
“But really though, Pol,” Ana says, narrowing her eyes at our sister. “Shut up, Bitch.”
“Thatta girl, Ana,” Pasha chuckles still without looking up from some fat-assed bikini model. “You tell her.”
“Fuck off, little Puppy,” Polina snaps, using her not-so-affectionate nickname she’s had for Pasha since we were kids. “You should know, this bitch bites.”
“Woof woof,” Pasha chuckles antagonistically back at her, winking at her as he finally puts his phone away.
I clear my throat loudly.
“Good morning,” I say sarcastically, lacing my hands together on my desk. “You’re all late. As usual.”
“You can thank these two for that,” Lev says, pointing his head at Polina and Igor. “She set his car on fire this morning, so we had to turn around to go pick them up. After waiting for the fire department to clear off.”
Pasha starts snickering, until Ana kicks his chair.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I sigh, looking up at Polina.
“Of course you tell him that part, but you have neglected to tell him that the entire car smelled of pussy! Cheap, white trash pussy!” She scoffs, pointing angrily at Igor. “Wild dogs could have smelled it a mile away!”
“Wild dogs?” Igor laughs, infuriating Polina more. “There are no ‘wild dogs’ in the city! Unless you count your crazy bitch ass!”
Polina is yelling so loudly that Nikolai, who unfortunately is standing closest to her, rubs his ear. Swearing under his breath, he quickly moves across the room to stand by Ana and Lev.
“Roman,” my sister demands. “You need to do something about this asshole! He’s out of control!”
“I’m out of control?!” Igor snarls back at her. “You just set my fucking car on fire! You’re insane!”
“Oh! And he came home plastered the other night, and crashed his car into my roses!” Polina continues still waving her arms wildly at her husband. “My Juliet Roses, Roman! The ones I’ve been growing for three years!”
“Oh God,” Igor groans, throwing his hands in the air. “Here we go with the fucking flowers again, eh?”
“They were imported from Europe, you disgusting trash goblin!” She hisses. “Do you have any idea how hard they were to get? They came directly from the original greenhouse!”
I rub my eyes.
My headache has a name today: Polina.