Page 258 of Hate to Love You
“Ugh,” I sigh, slamming the door closed.
Shit. I don’t have any food for her.
I turn, seeing Trevor fighting with his impulse to clean his dirty cup, indecision coating his features.
“Out.” Roman states, making the decision for him.
“I’ll wash it, Trevor.”
He nods, and scurries to the door, clicking it closed behind him.
“So,” Roman claps. “Breakfast?”
Roman doesn’t wait for a response, before rifling through the cupboards and pulling out sausage, bacon, and eggs from the fridge.
Food that I have no recollection of purchasing myself.
“I had the men stock your fridge,” he turns, glaring at me. “You know, since it was empty.”
“Haven’t had the time—”
“Not acceptable.”
“Well, if my boss didn’t keep me so busy, and naked,” I say, glaring at him. “I’d have time to shop.”
“Oh, I’d say you’ve had plenty of time to shop, Abigail,” he says, condescendingly. “And make donations.”
“Well, it would’ve been more helpful if they’d gotten Lily some food too.” I say with a sigh, ignoring his remark regarding my abuse on his card.
“Abby, you were my priority, not the damn—”
“If you’re about to say what I think you’re about to say,” I spit, pointing toward the foyer. “Then there’s the door, Sir.”
He snorts to himself, shaking his head.
“I’m going to have to run to the store to get food for her.”
“I’ll send one of the men.”
“No, I’ll get it myself.”
With a sigh, he turns back to the stove.
“Only if one of them goes with you.”
“Seriously?” I huff. “I can take care of myself.”
“I’m in the middle of a war, woman.”
“It’s not our enemies that defeat us, Roman. It’s our fear. Find a way to make them fear you.” I state, “Because I’m telling you now, they don’t get to lock me down or get me thrown on a plane.”
“Abigail…” he laughs.
Roman places a plate in front of me, before sitting down next to me at the island.
The smell makes my stomach roll.
“Talking of the men, what are we doing about the… you know…” I trail off, trying to distract myself.