Page 276 of Hate to Love You
But I do not fucking care.
“If I find out,” I hiss, as she squirms and thrashes, trying to get away. “That you’ve harmed a single hair on my girlfriend’s head, I will remove yours, Polina. So, where the fuck is she?!”
My sister says nothing, unable to speak or breathe as my fingers dig into her neck.
With my free hand I snatch my knife from my pocket and hold it close to her eye.
She frantically plunges her hand into her pocket and pulls out a small remote, clicking the bottom button with her thumb just as her eyes start to roll back into her head.
I release my grip, allowing her to breathe, but placing the blade against her neck as the TV screen above us illuminates.
The moment I see Abby, holding her knees and staring blankly I step backwards, breathing a small sigh of relief.
My sister coughs, gasping for air.
“See,” she hacks, her voice now hoarse and raspy as she starts to sit up. “The bitch is fine.”
I backhand her hard across the face, sending her falling back to the table.
That’s when I see movement on the television out of the corner of my eye and I watch as a dark-haired woman walks in the room carrying a glass.
As the feed has no sound, I can’t hear any words exchanged between the obviously nervous woman, and Abby who sits fidgeting with her necklace.
That’s when I remember what she told me about that particular necklace, and a horrifying realization suddenly hits me like a freight train.
Abby’s necklace contains her Widowmaker, and she always said that if she was ever caught, that it was her way out.
And now, having been kidnapped by sister, she’s asked for something to drink, and plans to add the poison…and kill herself. Right here. Right now. In front of me.
“Abigail…” I whisper.
Pouncing on my sister, I immediately smash her hard against the table.
“Where is she?!” I roar in her face. “Where the fuck is she being held?! Tell me now!”
“Just…down the—” Polina stammers.
“Where?!” I thunder, shaking her again.
“Go down the hall and turn left!” Polina wails, twisting away from me.
I’m around the table in seconds and bolting from the room, nearly tripping on the pile of dead men just outside, taken out by Cal.
“Keep an eye on them!” I shout as I sprint down the hall. “Abigail! Abigail!”
I have to make it to her in time.
As I round the corner, I catch sight of a brunette peeking nervously from an open doorway. The minute she sees me, her terrified eyes go wide, and she tries to retreat, but I aim my gun directly at her.
“You! Get out here now!” I bark at her angrily. “Where the fuck is Abigail Wayne?!”
“Abigail? She…she’s down the hall!” The girl whimpers, dropping to her knees and throwing her hands above her head. “To the right! It’s the door with the yellow graffiti!”
“Show me!” Grabbing her by the arm I yank her upright and shove her forwards with my gun.