Page 42 of Allie's Shelter
She hoped she wasn’t the only one who wanted to do something about it. Something that started with another long, drugging kiss and ended with a worthy distraction to keep them busy until the new intel arrived.
Ross cleared his throat. “I think you should get some rest. Take the bed and I’ll sleep out here on the couch.”
Okay. Looked like she was as alone with her feelings as ever before. “It’s your house. Take the bed. I’m too wired to sleep anyway.”
“That’s no problem.” He reached into the refrigerator for another beer. “I was headed to the office to research a couple things. Watch television or whatever.” He popped off the top and flipped it into the trash.
“Two points.”
“Every time.”
Deciding another drink was the best solution under the awkward circumstances, she refilled her wine glass.
“You’re sure we’re safe?” She winced at the sound of the lame question, but it let her look at him another moment. Taking a gulp of wine, she wondered if her desperation and desire could be any more obvious to a man trained to observe and assess.
She nodded, wishing things could be different. He was right to take himself out of her sight, out of her reach. Still, a brief fantasy ran through her mind, a quick image of what life could be if they were a couple.
In the evenings, she’d lean against that broad chest and weave her fingers through his thick, dark hair. She’d lay a kiss on his talented mouth that would tease and tempt and guarantee he’d be quick about wrapping up any end of the day details so he could meet her in bed.
She stopped herself right there, before all her pent up cravings had her jumping him again.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Sorry, my mind wandered. Result of the wine.”
“Uh-huh.” His dark eyes studied her too intently. He’d never been stupid.
“Thanks for taking care of the face.” She pointed to her cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Sweet dreams, Allie.”
“You too.” She retreated to the bedroom, intending to tuck herself in tight and stay put until morning. Because sweet wasn’t on the dreaming agenda. If she managed to fall asleep, she would dream. Of him. The way she felt right now, she knew those subconscious scenes would be a far cry from sweet. At least she wouldn’t embarrass them both by trying to act on her fantasy if she was asleep. When the piece of her heart that still loved him twinged with that all-too-familiar ache, she knew her retreat was the smartest decision for both of them.
* * *
After the restless night on the couch, plagued by dreams of holding Allie in his arms, he wasn’t surprised that the computer’s soft chime signaling the arrival of new email brought him fully awake. He’d turned the volume up and slept lightly, hoping for news from Rick. At least now he had a good reason to be awake before dawn.
Everything had been quiet through the night, but he’d expected nothing less after both Eva and the pair of deputies sent by Cochran to scour the area turned up nothing but a candy bar wrapper where the sniper had most likely been waiting.
Ross knew that wrapper might be as good as a calling card in the shady underworld of hit men, but it would be useless in a court of law. Frustrated, personally and with the case, he went to start coffee before he headed back to the office and the email.
When he settled at his desk and clicked the icon, he saw the expected update from Rick.
“You have a problem,” the message began. Ross sighed as he scrolled through the message. Of course he had a problem. He had several problems.
“Identification is assumed, based on location of the body. Extensive damage to face and hands means official ID is pending.”
Ross swore and kept reading, coming to the same conclusions Rick had outlined.
“Will have lobby security report by mid-morning. Busy night. The friend is safe after fire in building. Interview pending.”
Damn. A fire? This crew aimed at Allie wasn’t taking any chances. Which only made him wonder about the gang bangers. That piece of this puzzle felt sloppy. A risky move as strategy went. Gangs weren’t loyal to anyone but themselves. Aside from that, Ross couldn’t help wondering how a rich executive had found them, much less convinced them to cooperate.
Ross sent a reply, providing the number of Allie’s disposable cell phone and requesting text updates. He deleted the message, but kept the email program open. Back in the kitchen, he filled a mug with coffee and downed half of it before setting it aside. By the time he showered and dressed it would be light enough outside to look for yesterday’s bullet.
But his plan hit a speed bump when he returned to the kitchen to find Allie making breakfast. It was too domestic to be real. Catching sight of her bare feet, his eyes locked on the hot pink polish on her toes. A bolt of lust ripped through him like lightning, setting all of his nerves on high alert.