Page 15 of Nicole's Shelter
“You’re a vegetarian?”
“No, just too queasy for anything heavier.”
Rick agreed absently, absorbed with the images she’d captured as he trailed her into the other room. “What do you do with your photos?”
“Not much.” She held up a finger, making him wait while she placed the order. When she was done, she continued. “Usually they’re just for me, so I edit them sometimes, play with effects. If it’s something for work, then I clean them up and send them up the line.”
“Public relations usually. My department doesn’t often need candids, but I go with Allie to different community events and document for the various publications and articles she puts together.”
“Where is this?” He turned the camera for her to look.
“It’s a fountain in the park. Two days ago.”
“Where’s the park? And who is that in the background?”
“The park is between several office buildings. Sort of behind our building.”
He leaned over her shoulder while she adjusted something and magnified the part of the image with the people. “Cool.”
“This thing is all kinds of fun.”
“Seems more serious than a hobby for you.”
They were both looking at the camera, but he heard her breath hitch. It was rude to push, but this wasn’t a blind date, it was a crisis and he needed a better understanding. Particularly of her.
“I’m in media packaging,” she said, her voice rock steady. “Visuals go with the territory.”
“I just meant—”
“I’m not stupid, Rick. I know you don’t trust me, but the less you know about me specifically, the better off you’ll be.” She gave a small gasp. “That’s Mr. Roberts. I was focused on the light and water. I didn’t even realize… is he…”
Her voice trailed off and Rick took the camera back, moving the little magnifying glass over the next picture in the series. Sure enough, Roberts appeared to be chatting with a man from a far lower income bracket. As in the unemployed and homeless no-income bracket.
“I’ll be damned.”
“It’s just a hunch for now. I’ll be able to confirm it and fill you in tomorrow most likely.” This might be the development they needed in Allie’s case. “That’s Roberts. If he realized you caught him doing something he didn’t want documented, it might explain a few things.”
“He’s not an arsonist.”
Rick cocked a brow, wondering how she could be so sure. “They don’t usually go around wearing name tags.” Roberts struck him as a man who hired other people to do anything that might possibly turn messy.
Her lips parted as if she wanted to argue, but the pizza arrived, interrupting them.
“We should eat and get some rest,” he said when they were at the table, a cold bottle of soda and thick slice of veggie pizza in front of each of them. “I have an appointment first thing.”
“You seriously just expect me to tag along with you? I have my own schedule.”
“Your schedule wouldn’t happen to include going into work like a normal person?”
“No. When the news reports this, I’m sure my boss will understand if I’m not there.”
Rick ate in silence for a few minutes. “You set the fire didn’t you?” He regretted his timing when she choked and sputtered soda all over her plate.
“What is wrong with you?” She glared at him with an intensity he admired.