Page 30 of Nicole's Shelter
“Stop,” she said between snorts of laughter. “Why are you so determined to make me laugh?”
Because your face lights up, he thought. “It’s a stress reliever. You need an outlet.” Kissing was another outlet, but he wasn’t going back to that tactic without a clear invitation.
“Anything I need to know about this appointment?”
There was no reason to hide it and maybe granting a bit of trust would earn some in return. “We’re meeting with the security department to review video and confirm Bradley Roberts is alive.”
“Who thinks he’s dead?”
“Local police found a body in his house, assumed it was Roberts and based on what I’m sure is a fabricated witness, they’re looking to pin the murder on Allie.”
“Nice. You’re talking like a guy. Kind of.” Her voice would be a problem. “When we get there, just shake hands and nod when I introduce you as part of the team.”
“Okay. Do I have a title?”
“Trainee.” He didn’t have to look to know she rolled her eyes. “It gives you a reason to shut up and observe.”
When she didn’t answer he glanced over. Her lips were pressed together and she was staring at him with unwavering focus. He shook his head. “You can be yourself until we get to the bank.”
“Whew. Thanks.”
Questions moved through his mind like they were on a conveyer belt set to maximum speed. Not one of them related to the case he’d been sent to investigate. He wouldn’t let the team down, but once they were done at the bank, he intended to add Nicole’s specific concerns to the case load. If she’d share them. He knew in his gut she needed all the resources his team could provide.
That was their mission statement after all: finding solutions to difficult problems for people who preferred to avoid direct law enforcement involvement.
Local police departments couldn’t be expected to handle something like a rogue DEA agent. Gang task forces could make a big difference, but he had to assume Nicole’s situation wasn’t typical gang activity.
He shook his head. She was running from one federal agency who only wanted to keep her hidden from a bad guy in a different federal agency who was likely riding high on kickbacks from a powerful gang leader.
And she expected to survive?
“What? What are you thinking?”
“That you’re either the craziest woman I’ve met or the bravest.”
“That’s not very reassuring, considering I’m trying to be a guy.”
Nicole smiled, pleased she’d gotten a laugh out of him. Her own nerves were fraying with every passing moment as they drove into town. She rubbed her palms on the jeans as her mind raced through myriad possible disasters.
The bank was too close to the office. Someone would surely recognize her, no matter the clothing. Her face had been plastered all over the television networks. A teller with a criminal justice bent might be on the lookout and find the hat suspicious. Or think I’m a potential bank robber.
“What if my hat comes off?” She had this bizarre image of someone purposely knocking her down just for the potential reward.
“You put it back on.”
“Ha ha.”
“I’m serious. The more casual you are, the more confident you are, the better. Who’s to say you aren’t transgender? Then, instead of being the guilty party, suddenly you have a case for discrimination.”
She stewed on that, thinking of how guys moved, how they seemed to just shrug everything off. “Do guys ever stress out at all?”
Rick’s long, irritated look was an answer in itself.
“Are you stressing about this?”
His hands flexed on the steering wheel.