Page 39 of Nicole's Shelter
“A definite tragedy.” His mind spinning, anticipating Eva’s reaction to dumping the car, it took a moment to realize his phone was ringing. He put it on speaker, but signaled Nicole to stay quiet.
“You have kicked over one nasty hornet’s nest.”
“How bad?”
“Bad. I’m fielding calls right and left here and none of them are of the low profile variety. Allie’s friend is trouble with a capital ‘T’.”
She’s in trouble. Rick bit back the instant retort along with the fierce need to defend Nicole.
“I mean it. Be careful. This isn’t looking good for anyone.”
Her uncharacteristic worry fueled his worst suspicions. “I need to dump the car.” There was no good place on this rural route that immediately came to mind.
“Please don’t tell me that. Don’t do that. The paperwork’s a nightmare. Just get yourself back to the office, PDQ.”
“Fine. But if we’re tailed or worse, I’m blaming you.”
“Naturally. Wait. What does ‘we’ mean?”
“What it usually means.” He glanced at Nicole, but she was staring out the window, avoiding his gaze. “We’ll be on the back roads.” He disconnected the call as Eva launched into a tirade worthy of her passionate Italian ancestry.
“She’ll call back when she’s done being mad at me.”
“You two must have quite the work relationship.”
“Volatile or not, she’s the sort of person you want on your team.” It was taking considerable willpower to remember that right now.
The phone let out a shrill cry. He let it ring twice before declining the call. “Let her stew,” he groused, irritated beyond all reason by Eva’s lousy attitude.
“She’s right about me. This is a nasty situation.”
“So help me, if you tell me to walk away again, I will pull over and dump you in the trunk. Unless you have someone else tucked away somewhere who can and will help you.”
Nicole raised her hands in surrender. “I told you to leave because I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”
For all his bluster, he clearly didn’t frighten her. Unfortunately. A little intimidation could be an asset in times like this. He was about to ask her to tell him the whole story when the phone rang again. He scowled at the caller ID before he answered. “You ready to help me?”
“You’re a stubborn, hard-headed—”
“All of that is old news, Eva. Give me something helpful here.”
“She’s with you.”
Eva spat out an oath that didn’t need translated. “Take me off speaker.”
“No.” Having an audience wouldn’t deter Eva and he wanted Nicole to realize he trusted her.
“Clifton, Stephen R. of the DEA is throwing his weight around in pursuit of the alleged fugitive Nicole Livingston. Wanted for arson, drug trafficking, and conspiracy.”
Nicole gasped.