Page 71 of Nicole's Shelter
The wind gusted and a pine branch creaked overhead. His instincts pricked, he broke the kiss. “We should get inside.” Though he didn’t feel any imminent threat, simple logic demanded that he remember what brought them here. A dangerous man wanted her dead.
The cool night did nothing to mute his need for her, but when they were safely in the cottage, she grew skittish and retreated to the small kitchen.
“Would you like a beer?”
“No, thanks.” He thought he’d made it clear he wanted her. “What’s the matter, Nicole?”
She fidgeted with the bottle opener she didn’t need. “We, umm, didn’t discuss sleeping arrangements.”
In his mind they could work out who preferred which side of the bed later, but he had no intention of letting her sleep alone. “You’re tired?” He closed the distance and trapped her in the corner, his arms braced on the counter top on either side of her hips.
“No. Not particularly.”
“Neither am I.” He placed a kiss on the soft skin of her slender throat. “Want me to leave you alone?”
“Shouldn’t we talk about your plan?” Her head fell back, giving him better access and he took full advantage until her arms came around his waist.
“Tomorrow’s soon enough. Let’s take tonight for us.” He boosted her into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom. They could work out the sleeping part later.
Chapter 13
Nicole wasn’t sure she’d ever breathe normally again. Her heart still pounded and, barring an emergency, she didn’t think she’d be able to move anytime soon. She’d kept her vow not to make the first move and discovered Rick had some seriously persuasive and delicious moves in his arsenal.
What they’d just shared defied a definition. Last night had been more than spontaneous combustion, she recognized that, but tonight had carried her further into the unknown.
She’d felt romanced, adored, and oh-so-thoroughly satisfied.
He’d given her the moments she’d been longing for. As if he’d read her diary, a habit she’d never started. No, it went deeper than that. She didn’t believe he’d really read her mind, but on some level he understood her. Possibly better than she understood herself.
“You didn’t have to feel obligated to umm, you know,” she said, hating the insecurity in her voice.
He chuckled, the raspy sound confirming he was a little breathless himself. “If you thought that was obligation, sweetheart, then I was doing something wrong.” His arms banded around her as he nuzzled her ear. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be happy to redeem myself.”
His warm fingers trailed over her breast, and across her belly to settle on her hip.
She twitched under the soft, teasing touch of his thumb tracing circles over her skin, letting the moment sink in. He cared—not just about doing his job or giving an outstanding sexual performance—but about her specifically.
She could feel it simmering between them, beyond the obvious desire and passion.
She had no idea how or why she deserved this—him—but she thought it was probably best to appreciate her good fortune while it lasted. They might have been strangers days ago, but she knew his true character by his actions.
He’d leapt to her assistance repeatedly, though she didn’t trust him or value his efforts early on. Rick was one of those people who did the right thing on principle, because anything less was unacceptable.
It was crazy and stupid to let her heart into the mix, but recognizing the happiness fluttering in her pulse, she knew it was already too late.
Assuming the best, that Rick would ensure they both survived Clifton’s retaliation and she didn’t end up doing time for evading the marshals or withholding evidence, she wondered again if there was any chance for them to be together when her life was no longer chaotic.
On a logical level, she’d long ago accepted her life was incomplete, that holding back—by necessity—meant it would always be so. To share this wide-open passion with Rick, to give all of herself physically and let herself experience the full range of emotion was terrifying and glorious. She stroked the hot, slick skin of his shoulders, tracing his carved biceps and let herself imagine that every night could be this perfect.
When his lips seared a delightful path along her throat, wondering and thinking became impossible as he rose over her once more and she gave herself up to the beauty of the moment.
* * *
Rick reluctantly eased away from Nicole’s warm body and out of the bed as the first rays of sunlight put a glow behind the pleated window shade. He tugged the blanket up over her shoulder and smiled, thinking they’d managed the sleeping arrangements just fine.
Showered, shaved, and dressed in normal clothes again, he sat down at the small breakfast table with a mug of coffee and his iPad. Information was critical to making the right choice about whom to approach and with what evidence.
He’d given up on using anything about Chan to get under Clifton’s skin. Aside from the photographic evidence of Clifton putting the bullet in Chan’s temple, the case was too old and too cold.