Page 10 of Saint
Saint deposits my feet onto a chair and I peek around his shoulder at the bed. A young man sat up looking back at me, thankfully very much alive. My addled mind recognises him as the kid I helped and I leap of the chair and race full pelt towards him, enveloping him in a hug. I never thought I’d be so glad to see someone tense up at the sight of me. “Oh mate, thank fuck you’re alive! I thought the ambos would never turn up. I was so scared you wouldn’t make it! Bloody hell, look at all that grazing. How’s the leg?”
Reign extracts himself from my happy clutches and looks over at Saint and Jameson who by this stage are in fits of laughter. “The ambo lady. You found her. Is she like, okay?” he asks with raised eyebrows, making a twirling motion with his finger at his temple.
“She’s fine. Just a little bit excited to find you really are alive.”
Official introductions are made and we spend the next 5 minutes making small talk and discussing his recovery and when he’ll be allowed home. All the while, I had one eye on the door and was trying not to breathe in too deeply. After another 5 minutes the head nurse came in and kicked us out. I gave Reign one last hug to make sure he was still breathing and was unceremoniously carried out the same way I came in.
We took the same route home with a small detour to a tavern for lunch. It was high on the mountain with unobstructed views for days. The kind of place where you could enjoy an all afternoon lunch and turn it into dinner. The service was friendly, the food was great and the atmosphere was easy. The Club was treated like they were old friends. We all sat down at a long log table outside and were served up some of the most amazing burgers I’ve ever eaten. There was general chatter and lots of laughter and just like the night before I felt right at home.
I managed to eat maybe half my oversized burger and had left the rest. There was simply no room for more. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Smoke eyeing off my leftovers. He seems quiet, reserved even but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t miss a single thing.
“All yours if you want it” I said laughing “No more room in these jeans.”
He mumbled a thank you and hooked straight in. After he’d finished I found him once again looking at me. “Question?” I asked looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“How come you couldn’t go into that hospital?” he asked quietly, looking directly at me.
“Because the last time I went into a hospital it was to identify my husband’s dead body after a motorcycle accident” I answered just as directly “Not that they were ever my favourite place, but I don’t care much for them at all anymore.”
He contemplated this for a few seconds before he replied with “Hmmm.” After that he took my phone from me, programmed his number in it and said “You call me if you need me.” He placed my phone back down in front of me, stood and declared that it was ‘time to ride’. And that was the end of that.
The rest of the ride was as easy and amazing as the ride there. When we were maybe 20 minutes from town, Saint raised his hand at Smoke and peeled off down an exit to the right. There was a sign indicating there was a lookout down here somewhere. It didn’t take long to find. Saint parked the bike at a stone wall and in front of us was the most amazing view of the lake and surrounding mountains I’ve ever seen. Even better than the view from the lake itself. There wasn’t a soul around which added to the atmosphere of tranquillity. It was breathtaking, an opinion I voiced as I removed the bandana and sunglasses from my face and myself from the bike.
“Not as breathtaking as you” growled Saint as he once again picked me up and deposited me back on the bike. This time I was in front of him, straddling his legs and pulled right up close to his body. There was NO room between us. He had one hand at my back holding me close and the other working the bandana and elastic from my hair allowing it to tumble down my back. His mouth roamed over my neck as he moaned “Fucking perfect. I could feel your heat pushed up against my ass this morning. I could feel your crazy heartbeat at my back and the way your fingers moved across my stomach was magic. I want more. Give me your mouth.” He grabbed at my hair as his mouth crashed into mine and devoured me. His tongue invaded my mouth and he owned me totally, never letting up in his assault on my lips. I responded by pushing myself into him, grinding on his steely length bulging through his perfectly fitting jeans. Our tongues tangled, our teeth clashed and my hands roamed all over his body. The heat emanating from us was intense, depriving us of oxygen but not allowing us to come up for more.
Eventually we were forced to come up for air. Both of his hands were tangled in my hair and both of mine were up his shirt roving over bare skin. Very hot, bare skin. He pulled me closer still “You and me, we’re happening. Don’t know how you got under my skin so quick but I felt a pull towards you even when I saw you on the phone that morning. I don’t know how I know it, but we are meant to be together. We are like thunder and lightning. We are the perfect storm and I want more of you. There is no walking away from this. Got me?”
As much as I felt it, I was stunned to hear him say it. This man pulled no punches. “Is that why you insisted I ride with you today? You’re claiming me? ” I asked incredulously “You don’t even know me.”
“Will be” he said gruffly dragging me back into another mind blowing kiss “I’ll give you time. We’ve got things to learn about each other. But yes, I will be. WE are perfect and this, us, WILL happen. I know you feel it.” He searched my eyes as he waited for me to reply. I had no words, my mind was spinning and once again, that throbbing between my legs was killing me. So I did the only thing I could. I looked right into his eyes as I kissed him again and I kept looking into his eyes as I wrapped my legs around his waist and dragged myself up his body, running my hands through his hair and inhaling his scent. His eyes never closed, never left mine. Those brilliant green eyes saw everything and promised even more.
We remained entangled, kissing, sucking, moaning for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually once a certainty had settled between us, he turned me around to look out at the view. “Soak it all in baby. This is your home now. We’ve got shit to sort out but this, this is all yours. Kick back and enjoy” he said as he wrapped his arms tighter around me “we can stay as long as you want.”
I don’t know how long we sat in silence working our way through our own emotions but eventually we seemed to wordlessly decide it was time to head back into town. Instead of heading back to mine or to the bar he pulled off in the opposite direction down an unpaved, tree lined road that ran parallel to the lake eventually pulling up next to a log cabin which sat lakefront. We bypassed the front door instead heading down the side of the house to a large covered verandah out the back that had the most amazing outlook over the lake. It was even better than my place because it was absolute lakefront and there were no visible neighbours.
“So I’m thinking this isn’t your Clubhouse?”
“Right. That was burnt down a few months ago. We’re in the process of re-building and actually, almost done. This would be mine” he said waving his arm around in front of him “only a few of the guys know where it is and nobody turns up without an invite unless it’s an emergency. So, for when you want me all to yourself, this is where we come.” he said grinning. “I just wanted to show you. Come inside and make yourself at home. I need to clean up before tonight’s barbecue. You’re welcome to do the same here or I can take you home first if you want.”
“Weeeelll, I don’t have any clean clothes here so I guess it would be a bit pointless showering here but that doesn’t mean I won’t follow you into the bathroom. I think it’s time I got a good look at what you want me to sign up for. You sure I’m invited to this barbecue?”
He stopped mid stride with his shirt half way off and walked back to me. He finished taking his shirt off and stood toe to toe with me looking down. “You are invited wherever I say you are invited to. No-one else has a say in this. Besides, how am I supposed to keep an eye on that perfect little ass of yours if you’re not with me?”
I don’t think much of what he said went in. My eyes were way too focused on the king that stood in front of me. Six foot four of tanned, toned perfection covered in colourful ink as far as the eye could see. My fingers reached out to touch his rippling abs and i trailed them around to his back as I walked around him inspecting the rest of his beautiful body. I traced over the outline of the Club rockers and insignia which were inked across his back. His arms and shoulders told a story I would decipher another day and his chest was a work of art. I pulled at the waistband of his jeans trying to look in “So um, just how far down does all this ink go?” I asked as I absentmindedly licked my lips.
“All the way Jade. Wanna see?” He started to unbutton his jeans and my eyes glazed over.
“Yeah I do” I said still looking down the leg of his jeans “but I’m not sure we’ve got time for that tour right now. I think you said we’re expected at a barbecue soon and I need a whole lot more than 20 minutes to see all this. This looks like one of those all night type tours. Maybe we leave early instead and come back to this? That way, I won’t miss anything. I would really hate to miss something.”
“I would hate for you to miss anything too. And I’ve got a long tour of my own to take. So, as much as this pains me, I’m going to go have a shower on my own. You can kick back anywhere you want while you wait and I promise, we’ll get back on this tour bus tonight.”
I sighed as I nodded my head in agreement and watched his beautiful form walk off to the bathroom. Again, I found myself left hanging and in desperate need of…him. It’s been two years since anyone laid a finger on me and all this flirting and foreplay left me wanting. I threw myself on the couch and covered my face with a cushion while I tried not to think too hard about it and everything I had apparently just signed up for. Just a few more hours. What’s a few more hours when it’s been two years right? I moaned into the cushion and closed my eyes hoping he didn’t take too long. The longer he spent in there, the greater the chance I would barge on in. What the fuck was wrong with me?!
He must have been having the same thoughts because before I knew it he was back in front of me, grinning as he pulled the cushion off my face. He was dressed in a clean pair of jeans that moulded perfectly to his strong legs with a checked flannel shirt and his cut over the top. His hair was damp and wild and he smelled delicious. “You look like a King” I told him simply, “you are beautiful.”
Saint grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet and then stood me on the couch. His eyes bored into mine and he dragged me into another one of those mind blowing kisses. “Time to go beautiful so we can leave in time to catch that tour later” he winked at me as he picked me up again and carried me back outside to his bike.