Page 12 of Saint

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Page 12 of Saint

“I met Reign’s mum, Vicky at the age of twenty two. I was looking for someone to love and she was looking for a way out of a suffocating home. Probably not the best combination but before I knew it, she was pregnant. I made her my ‘ol lady and we made it work for about another 2 years. After that it was clear that we weren’t meant to be and she was not cut out for the life. Truth be known it was just as suffocating as the one she ran from. She took off one night with Reign leaving me nothing, not even a note. I searched for them relentlessly but never found them. Then about three years later she shows up back in town and I find her living with her Mom. She had cancer and it was terminal. As awful as it sounds, it gave me back my son. She was too sick to look after him a lot of the time and her mother didn’t have time for him because he was mine. Once she passed away, I got custody. Her mother still blames me for Vicky’s death and still doesn’t want to know me. She won’t have anything to do with Reign unless he walks away from the Club.

As for me now, I am a self-sufficient man. I own the workshop you saw me at in town. President of a mostly above board Club which I am devoted to and apparently I can be an asshole if Dublin is to be believed. With regard to women – well you said it yourself. I ain’t no saint. But I haven’t had a relationship with a woman since Vicky. Never wanted to. Now to the big question – why you? I have no idea. Honestly. I know even less about you than you now know about me. The morning I saw you at the coffee shop you grabbed my attention. When I met you, I was interested and by the time I got home that night I was convinced you were meant to be mine. Dublin made me promise not to be an asshole and I’m doing my best not to break that promise. How am I doing so far?”

Jade spun around and planted herself in my lap, facing me. Her golden eyes looked into mine and she flashed an award winning smile. “No signs of an asshole so far. Thank you for the tour of Michael Saint’s world. Interesting your name and where you’ve ended up. Saint Michael is a warrior isn’t he? I’ve not for a moment had any reason to doubt your character. Actually I am scared at just how comfortable with you I feel. You really do feel like home. And while my heart is happy my head has been busy sowing the seeds of guilt and doubt, trying to convince me I should still be in mourning and running a mile in the opposite direction. But if I’m honest, riding on the back of your bike this morning was the most alive I’ve felt in two years. So, for that, thank you. Now my King, what sort of tour would you like?”

I considered my answer carefully. I don’t want her to think I am only interested in one thing but the truth of the matter is, I don’t need to know it all to know who she is. “I know some of your story. I really only need to know what you want to tell me I guess and once you have told me about what is important about you and to you, I REALLY want a sight-seeing tour.”

Jade looked thoughtful for a moment and then, having decided what was important, started talking.

“I had a normal family life I guess. No siblings, just me. Grew up in the suburbs with normal hard working parents and a handful of good friends. I started university after school, had a handful of boyfriends but wasn’t really into either university or the boys. I met Pipes one night at a party and that was that. Scarily similar to what’s happening now. We were together. There was never any question. I moved out of my parent’s home into the Club house with him, they disowned me and we were together for twenty three years till we weren’t any more. I’m forty five. I have two sons – Axel and Ink – who are both patched members of the Club back home. It was Axel I was talking to the morning I saw you at the coffee shop. Kid cracks me up. I left just under a year ago because even though I know everyone in the Club loves me and wanted to help me, it was stifling. I just couldn’t breathe anymore. The boys picked it all up and ran with it but I couldn’t. So I ran from it. Four months ago I found myself here. When I rode into town, I was exhausted. I just needed to rest and breathe. And I have been. It’s a beautiful place and I made a friend in Jameson. I haven’t had anyone to talk to in months. I don’t know what it is about the Irish and Australians but we just click. We can spend hours talking shit about nothing and I walk away feeling better. Then your son got hit by a truck and somehow my world got flipped upside down again. Now I’m sitting in a gorgeous cabin in the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen on the lap of a king who wants me to be his. I’m horny as hell and feeling a little out of my depth. And I have only one request of you. I know Jameson is your brother but you need to know he is also my friend. He was my friend before I even knew you existed. We drink together, talk shit together and sometimes we even dance together. There has not been nor will there ever be anything physical between us. But I need to know that you will not go all alpha male on me one day and get jealous over a friendship. I will not tolerate that. Can you promise me you won’t ever be an asshole over this friendship?”

I laugh out loud. This woman is unbelievable. “I am always going to be an asshole Jade but I promise I won’t be an asshole about that. That’s two people I’ve made that promise to in as many days and it’s a little disconcerting. Now as for your feelings, I’m going to take you into that bedroom over there and you can kick back for a while. No need to feel out of your depth. I’ll hold you up while I take myself on a sight-seeing tour of your tiny, perfect body and you can tell me more about you as I go.”


I lay her down in the middle of my king size bed and crawl up next to her. I kiss her mouth, her neck, her shoulders and I’m amazed by the perfection in front of me. I run my hands through her mane of dark hair and over her beautiful face. Piece by piece I remove her clothes and mine and roll her over onto her stomach. I move down to her feet so I can work my way back up her body inch by beautiful inch and start my tour with her ticklish feet. I work my way up over her shapely ankles and strong calves massaging as I go. Her thighs are to die for and I spend way too long kissing these as I work towards that perfect ass. It’s all I can do not to pull her up on all fours and take her from behind as I rub one hand over her ass and the other over my rock hard cock. I leak all over her as I continue making my way up her back. Her waist is so small I can wrap my hands around it. As I pull back her hair I see ink I never expected to see. The outline of a large pair of angel wings cover her back and shoulders. The detail is amazing and I trace around them with my finger as I see the names of her two sons, one on the tops of each of her shoulders. “Why the wings?”

“That was what he called me. I was his Angel.”

“Pipes was right. You are an angel. And your wings are a work of art. Now roll back over for me.”

I go back to kissing her lips, never taking my eyes off of hers. They’re all shades of gold and olive green in the moonlight that floods into my room and they are mesmerising. Slowly I drag myself away back down her neck and over her breasts. Her nipples are rock hard as I suck each of them into my mouth and her breathing is laboured. The way her body responds to my touch is perfect. Her lips part, her skin pebbles under my touch as I massage her breasts and continue to attack her nipples with my mouth –sucking, nipping, licking. I can feel her writhing underneath me so I move down to her toned stomach. Her skin is so soft. I kiss a scar and look at her for an answer. “Appendix” she says quietly and I move further down to find her completely bare. Right now I feel like the luckiest man on the planet. I find another scar which I trace with my finger and again look up for an answer. “C-section” and then just an inch or so further south I find her centre. Perfect, pink and glistening with need for me. I kiss and nip at her pussy, purposely avoiding her swollen clit and glistening lips, teasing her, showing her how much I want her. Her body moves with me, her moans begging for more, her sighs pleading for me to taste her. So I do. I open her up with my tongue and gather as much of her on my tongue as I can swiping from bottom to top before I latch onto her throbbing clit. I hold her in my mouth until she calms and then I begin my assault alternating between sucking and licking, nipping and blowing. It’s obvious she’s not going to last much longer so I bring my hand down from her breast and push one thick finger inside of her curling it back and rubbing, moving in and out of her hard and fast as I continue my assault on her clit. She must have been real wound up because within moments she’s coming, crying out and it’s my name on her lips. It’s music to my ears. I continue to lick and suck, lapping up her pleasure as she rides the wave and eventually comes back down.

Instantly I’m above her, looking into her eyes again as she wraps her perfect legs around me and I plunge into her. She’s so tight and absolutely sopping wet. So perfect. I move and she moans all the while looking me dead in the eye, never even blinking. We continue on like this for an immeasurable amount of time me gliding in and out of her, hitting that sweet spot time and time again until it sends her spiralling out of control, clamping down around me showing me just how tight she can be as she rides another wave of pleasure. This sends me over the edge. I power into her, slamming against her body until I can’t take any more, erupting inside of her in what has to be the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever experienced and I feel her come with me one more time, rippling around me, sucking me dry.

I reach one arm under her waist and roll us over so she’s laying on top of me with me still inside her. “You truly are a king” she says quietly. “Do I get to take my tour now?”

Again, she makes me laugh. “Your tour? No. I need to keep you close right now. It’s been an eternity since I held a woman in my arms so stay where you are. We have all day tomorrow to ourselves. Sleep now. You can go sight-seeing when we wake up.”


I woke up sprawled on top of Saint, my head on his chest and his arms wrapped tight around my waist. I had a moment of panic causing my heart to beat right out of my chest. One arm tightened around my waist and his other hand stroked my back. “Shhh. No need to panic. We’re all good here.”

“Not panicking. All good here” I said trying to convince myself “Have I been squashing you like this all night? And seriously, how did you get back inside me without me noticing?”

“Firstly, you’re not heavy enough to squash me and yes, you’ve been like that all night long. You barely moved. And secondly, I never pulled out of you. You passed out on me like that and you felt so damned fucking good I stayed right where I was” he growled in my ear.

“Impressive. But the bathroom is calling.” I go to climb off him but instead he sits up with me still attached, swings his long legs over the side of the bed and carries me to the bathroom, chuckling as he goes. He walks back out closing the door behind him. I hear one of the French doors in his room open and close and he walks back in with a toothbrush in one hand and a box of teabags in the other and tells me with a smile that he’ll see me in the kitchen.

After taking care of morning stuff I settle on his flannel shirt as my attire for the day and head out to the kitchen. The shirt smells like his cologne and has me swooning. Wow is that man a sight for sore eyes! Shirtless with well-worn jeans hanging low on his hips and all that beautiful ink and muscle on display, he’s leaning back against the kitchen bench. I don’t even bother to close my mouth as he gives me another of his award winning smiles. “Now tell me, how the fuck do I make a cup of tea?” he asks with the box of tea bags in one hand and a cup in the other.

“So you’re telling me you couldn’t have actually made me one last night if I’d said yes? You didn’t even have tea bags last night? Which poor prospect had the job of shopping for those at 3am this morning?” I laughed “Oh, and my toothbrush. Thank you.”

“Correct. I was counting on you having other things on your mind. And it was Kitty. It’s comes under his job description.

“Well thank you for being so thoughtful and thanks to Kitty for his trouble. Now, where’s your kettle?”

“No kettle. Coffee machine here. Does all the hard work for me. Saucepan?”

“That’ll do. So we boil water, tip it over the tea bag in the cup. Wait 4 minutes, add milk and two big sugars, stir and we’re done. Reckon you can do that?”

Turns out he could indeed do that and more. Saint makes a mean breakfast. After indulging over a lazy meal we move to a large, cosy armchair on the deck. He sits back and I straddle his lap ready to start my own sight-seeing tour.

“I like you in my shirt. I especially like that you’re not wearing panties.” He said grabbing my ass.

“Whoa. Stop right there mister. That word is just wrong” I said shaking my head “I don’t know why but I’m telling you it’s just wrong. Speak to any Aussie woman about ‘panties’ and she’ll either laugh in your face or clock you up the side of the head. You can call them knickers, undies, regies, g-bangers if that’s what they are or even just plain old underwear but the word ‘panties’ is not to enter the conversation. Got me?”

Confusion clouds his face. “What’s wrong with..?” He didn’t even get the word out before I had my hand over his mouth. “Don’t say it” I warned “everything is wrong with that word. Pick another.”

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