Page 25 of Blindside
* * *
Crue and I are nearly finished packing our bags when a knock sounds at the door. Crue shoots me a wink from the other side of the bed before going to answer it, expecting it to be Darius coming to collect Saint’s things. Crue and I both decided that it was best if we didn’t accompany D and Beck to drop his things off as neither of us would have been able to leave there without him and our daughter.
“Who the hell are you?” I drop the shirt I was folding and rush over to Crue to find an elderly lady standing there, looking terrified.
“My name is Roimata and I’m your daughters nanny. May I come in?” We stand here shocked for a second, unmoving. I snap out of it quicker than Crue.
“Of course, please come in Roi—Sorry, I don’t know how to say your name,” I say, slightly embarrassed. She waves me off with a warm smile and enters the room. Crue closes the door as we all stand here awkwardly for a moment until Crue speaks.
“Why are you here?” Her shoulders bunch.
“I shouldn’t be here but Saint begged me. I can’t stay long. Mr. Morgan has eyes everywhere and if I’m caught—”
I cut off her panicked rambling. “We won’t say a word, please just tell us if he’s okay?”
She flinches and my stomach drops. Crue wraps his arm around my shoulders and draws me into his side. “He’s… Okay.”
“Don’t lie to me,” Crue snarls. Her shoulders droop and a sad look takes over her features.
“He was beaten.” I gasp and tears spring to my eyes instantly. Crue’s hold on me tightens.
“Why?” Crue grits out.
“He refused to sign the papers. I don’t know all the details but he asked me to come here and tell you they will be there for the court case but you need to be ready.”
“Ready for what?” I choke out.
“He said to tell you, he loves her no matter what and will do whatever he has to so she can come home. I’m sorry but that’s all I know. I have to go.” We don’t stop her as she leaves. My mind is reeling and I don’t know how to process what she has said. All I can focus on is the fact that he will be at court.
“Whatever he has planned must be something big if he took such a huge risk sending her here.” I pull back and stare up at Crue, my stomach in knots with worry.
“Why did he hurt him?” Crue’s eyes soften.
“Devon hates that Saint isn’t under his control anymore. He’s always hated Saint because his mother left him everything. Devon is smart, Katie. He’ll have a plan in place, so we just have to make sure that we are ready for whatever he has planned and don’t fuck it up.”
“He can’t get away with hurting him,” I snarl. Crue cups my face between his hands and bends so we are eye to eye.
“He won’t get away with any of this, nor will Jackson. We’ll take all the fuckers down, and then we will all be fucking free of this shit and finally able to live our lives.”
* * *
An hour or so later, Darius comes by to collect Saint’s things. I made sure to pack all the breast milk I had stored in the fridge into his bag. If he chooses to dump it, then fine, but I really hope he doesn’t. The thought of her drinking my milk makes me feel closer to my baby while I can’t physically be there.
“Look, I know this whole thing is fucked but if it helps, I think he has a plan.” Crue and I share a loaded look before turning back to face Darius.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Troy has gone radio silent and isn’t answering any of mine, Becks or Corvin’s calls, so we think Saint is up to something.”
“He’s got something up his sleeve for the court case,” Crue mutters.
“Yeah, man, I think he has something in the works,” he says before grabbing Saint’s things and leaving Crue and I alone in our room. Time passes by slowly as we sit here silently and get lost in our thoughts. What if he’s really hurt and needs help? All these horrible scenes are flashing through my mind and I don’t realize I’m crying until Crue reaches over and swipes the tears from my cheeks.
“He’s strong.” I sniff and nod. He clasps my hands in his and gives them a gentle squeeze. “Whatever he has planned, we’ll back him. Saint is cunning, he’s also fucking smart. Contrary to what everyone believes, he isn’t stupid. He knew what he was doing the other night, it was the only way Devon would let him in. I have a feeling that he got his ass beat because he wouldn’t sign over the company and his inheritance to his father.”
“I thought with him taking over Devon’s company he already got it?”
Crue shakes his head. “I’m gonna tell you something that no one else knows, not even the guys.” The grave tone of his voice has me sitting up straighter and paying closer attention.