Page 33 of Blindside
“What is your relationship to the defendant?” John continues.
“Um, Devon was friends with my dad.”
“Is that the only way you know Mr. Morgan?” Troy pushes.
Gary sucks in a breath and shakes his head, his gaze briefly strays to Darius for a second before focusing back on Troy. “No, his son’s football team and mine had a rivalry. I’ve known Saint since high school.”
“It’s my understanding that thisrivalrybecame dangerous and involved a video of an underage girl, is that correct?”
It takes Gary a second to answer John’s question. “Yes. I… I… I slept with the rival QB’s little sister.” Corvin growls.
“This girl wasn’t just the QB’s little sister though, was she?” Troy hedges.
Gary sighs, “No. Leah Williams is my… She’s my…” He scrubs a hand down his face before continuing. “She’s my brother’s girlfriend, but at the time I had no idea Darius was my brother.”
“But your father and Mr. Morgan knew exactly who Darius was to you, didn’t they?” Gary grits his teeth and nods. “I need you to say the words, Mr. Hayes,” Troy urges.
“Yes. Devon and my dad knew about Darius. I didn’t find out until… after that Darius is my twin.”
“Is it true that Mr. Morgan reached out to you and offered you the use of his app to distribute the video of you and Miss Williams in theact,so that it would have a further reach?” John asks.
“Yes. When Devon overheard me talking to a couple of my teammates while he was at my house, he said I could useEyeSpyso the video would go further and reach more people than just posting it on social media.” Gary is excused from the stand, shooting Darius one last look before he exits the courtroom.
“Given the circumstance and the severity of this case, I’m ruling that Mr. Morgan and the men in that video be charged and reprimanded until a court date can be set for sentencing.” Devon and his men begin to shout and scream as guards come in and start ushering them out. Relief surges through me, this is finally over. “In regards to the forged documentation of the paternity of the child, I’m taking the mother and the supposed father noted on the birth certificate into custody.” My friends begin to shout as I sit here in shock, I’m going to jail. Nate is going to do time because of me. The judge starts banging her gavel demanding order. Addy wakes and begins to cry, without thinking I snatch her off Crue and hold her against my chest as I try to soothe my baby.
“Your honor, we would also like to appeal to the court in regards to the adoption,” John rushes to say after my friends sit down and shut their mouths.
“Make this quick, Mr. Sutton,” she grits out.
“Katie and Nathan were both coerced into signing the adoption papers. Jackson was well aware that Nathan wasn’t the father of the child and I have email receipts between him and Mr. Morgan to prove that.” Shock ripples through me as I place kisses on the top of my girl’s head. “With a warrant, we were able to seize Mr. Rathborne's computer at his office and his private laptop and garner access to his emails. Mr. Morgan isn’t the only… client he has dealt with.”
“Where is Mr. Rathborne at this time?” the judge asks.
“He’s currently in jail in Tennessee awaiting charges,” Troy answers. Crue turns to peer over his shoulder at Saint.
“You didn’t think I would let that bitch go free, did you?” Saint cockily asks.
“I understand what you are saying here, Mr. Hughes, but until this can be resolved in front of a jury both of them need to be held and the child needs to be taken to—” Before she finishes Crue is on his feet.
“I’m her father. I had nothing to do with adoption, she stays with me.”
The judge narrows her eyes at Crue. “Mr. Hastings, I cannot allow that—”
“Your honor, with all due respect. I don’t care what you think you can allow. Adalyn is my daughter. I’ve been fighting for months to get her back because of that sick bastard thinking he could use her to manipulate my best friend into signing over his company.”
I place a kiss on my little girl’s nose as she smiles up at me, a lump forms in my throat. “I love you, Addy,” I whisper as I stand and hand her to Saint, he eyes me skeptically but takes her from me.
“If Adalyn gets to leave with her father, I’ll stay and be remanded.” My guys and our friends all begin to shout and argue but I push on. “Nathan only signed the papers because I tricked him.” Nate tries to argue but I talk louder so she hears me over him. “He didn’t know what he was signing, I lied to him. I forged the documentation for the adoption, not Nate. Saint, and Crue had nothing to do with any of this.”
Everything happens in a blur, I can’t hear anything over the blood pounding in my ears after the judge banged her gavel and ordered the guards to arrest me. Crue tries to grab me but the guys hold him back as the guards pull my arms behind my back and cuff me. Saint tries to get to me but the girls scream at him to stop because of the baby. I’m so thankful that he chooses to stop and not risk injuring Addy to get to me. The sight of her with them fills me with warmth. I fucked up and now I need to do the time for the crime I committed.
“I swear to God, I’ll get you out,” Nathan shouts as the guards lead me away.
“Katie.” I peer over my shoulder at the sound of Saint’s voice. “We’re coming for you.” The conviction in his tone is awe-inspiring. I know without a doubt that they will do whatever they can to get me out. Well, I hope so because let’s be real, they got what they wanted. They did say the moment they got Addy back I was no longer welcome.
It’s hard not to doubt their love for me when they are the ones who left me the first time.