Page 3 of Her Devil
“I am not here for all that make-believe ‘doing your uncle because he’s hot’bullshit. It might get you hot under the collar, but, girl, just wait until you see what the real world has to offer. We’re going to Pendleton Prep, the maker of world leaders.”
“Do you really believe that?”
“Absolutely. Did you not check out any of the alumni? No, of course you didn’t. You’re still in denial that you’re even attending.”
“Whatever,” I grumble, following the sat-nav directions off the main road.
The campus signs are small and understated. Not the ‘look at us, we’re the best’kind I was expecting. The high drystone wall and black metal gates are though.We’re going into a glorified prison.
The driveway leads us past four main residential complexes. And, yes, that’s complex, not dormitory. With in-house cleaning, swimming, spa facilities and a gym, this is a little more than just somewhere to rest your head.Not that I looked, obviously.
There’s parking everywhere, plenty of it already in use as I follow the signs towards the main administration buildings.
“Well then, bitch. I guess we made it,” Tamsin says excitedly, sliding her feet back into her Jimmy Choos and flicking her thick dark hair over her shoulder. “Come on, let’s get this started.”
She jumps out with much greater enthusiasm than I can muster, rounding the car and sliding my arm through hers as she pulls me out. “Whatever this year brings, we’re in it together, right?” she asks, looking at me for confirmation before opening the door to the Pendleton Prep offices.
“Of course,” I reply with a roll of my eyes. “As if you even have to ask that question.”
“Better safe than sorry,” she says with a shrug of her shoulders. “This is gonna be fun.”
“Ladies,” a woman excitedly greets us from behind the desk, her gaze flicking to the clock above the door. “You’re cutting it fine, aren’t you? Classes start tomorrow.”
I know. It was intentional.
I don’t plan on spending one second more here than I have to.
“Well, let’s get your welcome packs together and find which buildings you’re going to be in.”
“Buildings? As in, plural? Like, we might not be placed together?” I ask, my heart rate picking up.
I can share a bathroom with Tam. I can deal with four random strangers, so long as she’s by my side. I cannotdo this without her.
“Let’s take a look, shall we?”
“Itold you coming here early would bite us in the ass,” I mumble under my breath, shoving a handful of trousers back into the case I unpacked just weeks ago.
“You did,” Jacob agrees with a smirk. “But you were more than happy to pack your ass up and get out of that house.”
A shiver ripples over me as I think back to the empty mausoleum of a home we left behind ten days ago.
Our mother is still traipsing around dressed in black, like she ever gave a fuck about our father—you’d think she was the one dying. Andrew does nothing but antagonise her further, and with Sophie flitting between London and Italy, you could never be sure there would be anyone around to run interference. Being home was a drag, and neither of us wanted to be there.
So, at the first opportunity, we packed our bags and made our way to Pendleton Prep, never expecting the events of the last twenty-four hours. We both thought she was off her head and having some kind of mental breakdown, but we both bear the marks to prove this is real, Jacob more than me.
“True,” I agree. “Still said it’d be a problem though, somewhere down the line.”
“One day you’re going to be more positive about life. You’re going to see all of the good that comes and you’ll smile more,” he decides with a nod.
“Why? When I’ve got you for all that.” I smirk, looking at him over my shoulder.
“Just admit it. You’ve enjoyed being away from The Manor, and you’ve been having fun getting to know Matthew, James, Richard and Ian.”
“Fat lot of use that’s going to be now we’re moving out,” I add.