Page 17 of Songs of Vice
“You aren’t even one of her children.”
They grinned at me. “And, yet, I’m still the favorite. If you’ve found someone, it might take the sting out of us not becoming more of a thing.”
“We were never a thing. We were one night.”
“But it was a damn good night.” Luz smirked as they pushed up and stepped over to me. “Okay, seriously, what’s the plan with the siren? Adding her is a good idea. Is her magic strong?”
“She’s not part of the job.” I stuffed my hand into a pocket and tumbled a coin between my fingers. “I meant it when I said meeting her was a coincidence. We’re escorting her to the next town and letting her go.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Thank you, Luz.”
“I’m serious.” They crouched and selected a stone, then twisted it in the light so it gleamed. “This is the most important job we’ve ever done, and you know it. Siren magic is powerful. It could be helpful in the Seelie court.”
There wasn’t much I wouldn’t do to get the zevar back. This mission was more than a job; it was personal. The Seelie court had shamed our court with their actions. However, Lira was a complication. I couldn’t think straight when I stood anywhere close to her. “Her magic wouldn’t help against anyone with powerful wards up.” I chided myself once again for having mine down the previous night even if the freedom of removing them was like stepping out of a suit that was too tight.
“Many of the Seelie do not use wards at all. They think themselves safe from magic and King Carrington limits who can learn to ward.”
“Then he’s a fool.”
Luz nodded, a gold pin in their hair glimmering in the sunshine. “You know I agree. But to keep the circular nature of this conversation going, the siren would be useful on this job.”
I took a deep breath and remembered listening to Lira breathing beside me in my tent the night before, the subtly sweet scent of some perfume she wore. When she’d finally fallen asleep, I’d been tempted to reach out and touch her cheek, just to feel the softness of her skin beneath mine. I resisted the urge, not wishing to violate her boundaries. My body ached to be next to hers like something pulled me to her. That concerned me. Which was a valid enough reason not to include her in this job. We needed to stay focused. Regardless, that wasn’t the most important issue. “She doesn’t want in on the job.”
“She knows about it?”
“No. She made it clear last night that she wants a quiet life. I won’t steal that from her.”
I knew what it was like to get shoved into this career with little choice. After my magical abilities had unearthed themselves—and it was clear just how deep the well of my powers ran—I’d known I’d use them in service to my court. I’d trained for it since adolescence. However, I lived a life on the outskirts because of it, belonging nowhere. I wouldn’t do the same to Lira.
“So, you haven’t even offered it to her.”
“She doesn’t want to be mixed up with us.”
“That wasn’t what I read off of her.” Luz leaned in to me, their hazel eyes glittering. “She likes you too. Shall I play matchmaker?”
“You should stay out of it.” They smiled with their tongue between their teeth, and I groaned. “Please, Luz.”
“You know I wouldn’t betray your feelings.” I inclined my head to them. It was true. I trusted Luz with my life and my vulnerabilities. The latter was because of the lack of ability to hide from them, but they’d always kept my secrets. They were one of the few beings in the world I truly trusted—alongside Neia and Elisa—and that was one reason they were a part of our team.
“Speaking of my mother,” I said, “the girl doesn’t know who I am. I’d like to keep it that way.”
One of Luz’s dark eyebrows cocked up. “That’s interesting. How does a siren not know whoyouare?”
“I don’t know, but I’d like it to remain quiet.” They continued to stare at me like they wondered about my motivations. I didn’t know how to explain it. Everywhere I went, others feared me, esteemed me, or tried to manipulate me for their gain. It was only with my family and my team that I could be myself. Most strangers used sugared words or avoided me. Having Lira lecture me over robbing the crowd because she saw me as some common thief the previous night was strangely warming. I didn’t wish for her to see me differently yet. Something in me wanted to hold on to that for a while longer.
Birds chirped and whistled at each other, filling in a beat of silence. “Why are you worried about this girl?” Luz asked.
I brushed my fingers back through my hair. With anyone else I wouldn’t share, but it was pointless to avoid Luz’s questions with them reading so much. “She has scarcely enough money to survive for a fortnight on her own. I’d offer more to help sustain her, but I don’t believe she’d take it. Plus,”—I sighed as I bent down and wiped a scuff off the top of my boot—“you’re right, there’s something about her. The idea of abandoning her to the merciless belly of some human city with so little fills me with dread.”
“All the better reason to invite her onto the job.”
“I don’t wish to put her in danger. Did you just miss that point?”
“We’ll all be in danger. However, this is the most important job we’ve ever had, and it pays well. You should give her the choice. It could help her and us both.”
The sun had crawled into the sky and brought a touch of warmth that glistened over the frost-laced leaves of the forest. Luz made a point, even if I hated agreeing. The idea of dragging the gentle and naïve woman Lira was proving to be into our schemes made me miserable. It would give her the opportunity to earn a large sum—enough to sustain herself for a while. And the magic I’d read off her had been strong. “All right.”