Page 15 of Songs of Sacrament
The door opened, and I took a step back.
Sai walked in and pressed the door closed behind him. He smoothed his hand over the frame before turning around. His eyes darted around the room like he wasn’t sure if he could bear to acknowledge me here in his space. “You don’t have to stay in here,” he finally said. “I can have another room arranged for you.”
Amyra’s teasing words trailed back through my mind. His family saw this marriage as real. “It would shame you in front of your family if I went somewhere else. Unless you plan to tell them the truth.”
Sai removed his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. “My mother knows, and she’ll tell my father. It’s complicated, however. If our court plans to protect you, it would be easiest if the others believe, for now, that this marriage is authentic.”
That made it sound more difficult to get out of than Sai had made it seem at the river. We were both desperate—me to get away from my conniving mother, and him to fulfill his bargain and protect his court. I hadn’t considered the implications this marriage meant for him politically. I’m sure he did, but he hadn’t hesitated or shared. With that in mind, I could repay his kindness despite the hurts we had inflicted on each other.
“Then I suppose it’s best if I stay here.”
Sai gripped his fingers into the back of his neck, his eyes finally meeting my gaze. A heartbeat passed before he chuckled breathily. “It’s not like we’ve never shared a room before.”
His words slammed memories back into me of standing ice cold and soaking wet in an empty cabin when he’d said the same thing. Thunder had crashed outside, and he’d held me, made love to me.
And it was all a lie.
“No, you don’t get to make that joke,” I said. “I appreciate your kindness in helping me escape, but it changes nothing.”
He stared at me, his eyes reminding me of the night sky like they did when he used his magic, a shimmer sparkling over his dark irises. Something about him compelled me, made me want to forgive him, but I wouldn’t continue acting the fool. I didn’t know how long he planned to keep this farce up for his family. For now, I’d play along, but then I wanted out—of the vow and his life. I refused to rely on someone else again. Soon I would have enough money to buy a cottage in the woods somewhere. I’d get a cat—people rumored they warded off magical beings—and never leave.
Sai bowed his head. “Right.”
“You would have done the same for any member of your team, wouldn’t you?”
He lifted his face again. “Would I have married one of them?”
“To prevent them being captured and harmed?”
He hesitated another beat. “I suppose I would.”
“You’re loyal to your people and that’s good.”
“Lira, please, if you’d—”
“I’ll still get paid?” I couldn’t face where he wished to take the conversation.
Sai closed his eyes and turned away from me. “Yes. The treasury will pay everyone tomorrow.”
Another awkward moment passed, and Sai gestured towards an archway. “There’s a hot bath drawn in the bathing chamber and you’re welcome to it. We’ll also have a dinner tonight to discuss the globe if you’d like to attend.”
“That feels like a wifely duty.”
Sai’s nose flared. “My family and my team will be there, but it’s your choice if you wish to come.”
“Am I part of your team?”
“Do you want to be?”
His eyes sparkled again like he drew on his magic, though his zevar that rested on his ebony shirt didn’t illuminate. How many things had I seen reflected over his irises? Myself, uncertain and afraid, firelight as we made love, flames I’d formed for his dragon as he led me away from the Seelie palace.
I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I retreated to the other room, pulled off my filthy travel dress, stepped into the tiled bath that was built into the floor, and sank low into the hot water.
* * *
A maid arrived sometime later to ask if I wished to dress for the dinner. I sponged a towel against my damp hair and pulled tighter the dark robe I’d found in the washroom. It smelled of Sai—rich and sweet, intoxicating. “Yes, thank you. I’m afraid I have nothing to wear.”