Page 41 of Songs of Sacrament
I nodded to the stones. “Let’s go. Take it slow and don’t touch the water.”
I jumped onto the first stone, my boots gripping the dry surface of the rock. Spray washed up around it but didn’t hit me. The stones were massive. I could have probably lay fully stretched out on one without meeting the sea. It would be easy enough to move along them and avoid the water. I could feel the group’s eyes on me, and Lira’s gaze seemed to burn my shoulders. Someone had to go first, and best for it to be me. I moved to the next one and turned back, my mouth gaping when the second being to follow behind me wasn’t Luz, like I’d expected, but Lira.
Her blue eyes matched the elements, blending into the pale color of the sky and the churning darkness of the sea. She seemed to belong there, her blouse whipping around her, her pants rippling over her boots, her hair wisping along with the wind like pale clouds slipping across the sky.
Damn it. Focus Sai.
I jumped forward, looked back.
Jumped forward, looked back.
Repeated the actions until I felt exhausted with them. The group members were used to covering each other, and in this moment we needed that energy more than ever. We reached a point where we all stood on the stones, far enough in the sea that the shore had become a thick line crowned with the waving emerald of the jungle, and ahead, the temple began to emerge in more detail from the mist where it floated on an island.
The haunting singing had picked up in volume again, but the voices echoed, as if the merfolk had found a cove for sunbathing. So long as they didn’t get close to us, it would be fine.
I turned back again and met the eyes of everyone in the group. Orman scowled at me. Slow and steady was not his pace. I raised my hands to stall his impatience and indicate we were close. Luz brought up the rear and offered me a nod. Elisa and Neia stood in the center, and ahead of them, Lira.
My eyes skimmed over her, and I turned forward again.
It hurt to look at her, to see the anger in her expression.
I jumped forward another step.
The team slowly moved along through sea spray and wind. It was as though the elements drove us away.Go back. You don’t belong here.
If Lira was elemental, though, then she did. She landed on the next stone.
Neia jumped forward.
A splash.
Elisa shrieked and slipped, falling onto her knees.
Webbed fingers dug into her arms and a sage head popped out of the water, seaweed-like hair draping over scaled shoulders. The fae’s eyes glowed navy, then she pulled Elisa into the water.
“Elisa,” Neia screamed before gulping a breath of air and diving in.
I dropped my pack and unsheathed a blade. “Luz, you’re in charge until I’m back. Orman, watch us from above. Lira…” I stole a glance at her but couldn’t find words.
I think I love you and I ruined it.
If I die now that is the regret that will flash across my mind before drifting from this life.
I’m sorry.
I crashed into a wave.
Salt stung my eyes as I opened them but being a fairy had some perks and heightened sight was one. Though, breathing under water wasn’t.
Neia kicked down, down, down into the dark.
I followed behind her right as she reached the merfolk. Its glimmering, splayed tail whipped around, smacking Neia. The merfolk released another haunting cry, and I cursed silently. If she called more of her kind we had to get the fuck out of the water.
I kicked harder and slammed my knife forward, catching the merfolk in the tail. She released Elisa and screamed, a sound that traveled through the water and stung enough that I closed my eyes. Neia yanked Elisa against her. I tapped into my magic and unleashed my shadows to swallow the light around us, grabbed Neia’s hand, and kicked towards the surface.
We reached a stone, and I pushed them onto it and gasped for air, my lungs burning as I dragged myself up. Neia choked up water and threw herself over Elisa, wiping damp hair from her freckled cheeks. “Lis? Are you okay?”