Page 58 of In Hiding
Despite the terror seizing her mind, she shook her head. This was how Ryan overpowered her last time and she refused to let him do it again. She took a deep breath to calm herself and considered points of weakness.
Jake had said elbows were vulnerable, and she remembered from somewhere that bony points could be used to her advantage. Dropping her chin into the crook of his elbow, she found she could breathe easier. Burying herself deeper into the joint, she felt his hold loosen by a fraction of an inch.
Wrapping her fingers around his arm and poking them into the elbow, she dug her nails and fingertips into his skin. His hold gave another fraction and she stepped forward, drawing his arm out and away. Pushing against his arm, she stepped around, putting pressure on his shoulder. The awkward angle worked, and he relinquished his hold.
“That’s a good start,” he smiled.
Sarah had to catch her breath. The effort was mammoth but it weakened her. “Even if I could get away, I’d crumple into a heap and he’d catch me again.”
“Maybe. Come back? Let me show you more.”
Stepping in front of him, she turned her back and took a breath. Though his hold was loose, it rekindled memories and with those, came adrenaline. Jake removed his arm from her throat and turned her to face him.
“Hey. You’re safe. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know. Or at least, my head knows. Instinct on the other hand...” She wobbled a smile his way. “Don’t let it put you off. Please?”
He blinked slowly. “Maybe it’s too much for now.”
“I’ll be okay, Jake.”
“You really think he’s going to risk his freedom to come for you?”
There was no doubt in her mind. “Yes.”
He looked like he wanted to argue. Sarah pressed a finger to his lips and shook her head. “You asked me to trust you, now I’m asking the same. I know my ex-husband. He will come.”
Fear flashed through Jake’s dark eyes for a heartbeat, then disappeared, replaced by resolution. He nodded. “Ready?”
As I’ll ever be. She turned again and allowed him to put her in a choke hold. Seeing it coming didn’t chase away the gut reaction that gripped her, but she handled it better this time. With Jake’s body pressed against to her back, she felt locked in.
“What you did last time with your chin was perfect. Do that again.”
She did. “What if I can’t wedge it in there?”
“Try to headbutt me.”
Even the slightest move made contact with his nose. “Ow,” he chuckled. “But also, a sensitive spot. He might not let go entirely but it could loosen his hold enough to let you duck your chin. Grab my elbow again.”
She did.
“As you pull away this time, really turn my arm back on itself at the shoulder.”
She rolled her body away and forced his arm around. As she did, Jake tried to give with the movement, and it left him on his knees. He stared up her with a grin.
Except, what if she was too exhausted to keep up the pressure?
“Keep holding my arm like that and step around behind me.” He grimaced as she followed the instruction. “This way, if you need to catch your breath, you have some control. He might fight you, but if he does, pull the arm back as if it was a slot machine. It could dislocate the shoulder, but at the very least, it will hurt like a mother fucker.”
Standing behind him, she saw the truth in his words, and it filled her with confidence. Releasing his hand, she waited for him to stand up and face her.
“I don’t ever want to be a victim again, Jake.”
“I can see that.” He cupped her cheek in his palm, cradling her face. “I see strength in you, Sarah. A light that doesn’t know when to quit. I’m certain it saved your life once before and I know, if the time comes, it will save your life again. You are an amazing woman. It will be my honor to show you how to defend yourself, with lethal force, if necessary.”
Fury lit his eyes before giving way to pride. “You will never be a victim. I promise.”