Page 60 of In Hiding
Needing the contact, he reached out and lifted a lock of hair. “It’s a start.”
She was right to doubt whether it was enough to keep Mitchell in the dark. If he hired a private investigator, they’d find her eventually, but Jake couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He didn’t want the smile to fall from her lips any more than he wanted to break the delicate bond forming between them.
Her gaze flicked toward his hand holding her hair. “Jake, about the other night on the balcony.” She glanced outside. “I should apologize.”
“Why?” he whispered. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”
He dared to edge closer. “And what would that be, Sarah?”
“I—” She swallowed as her head tilted to look up at him. “After what he did...”
Jake placed a fingertip under her chin, half expecting her to turn away to avoid being honest. “Are you attracted to me?”
She blinked. Her mouth fell open in a small pout beckoning him closer. If she didn’t say something soon, he worried his impatience would get the better of him.
“You work for me. It would be improper.”
He lifted his eyebrows, hoping to let her know she needed to answer the question. Not for him, but for herself. Hiding behind her past, traumatic as it was, wouldn’t do her any favors. If anyone should know, it was Jake.
“I have William to think of.”
How long would she keep this up? Deciding not to play, Jake let her hair slide from his fingers and turned away. He crossed the room and picked up one of his shoes, loosening the laces.
The single word lifted his heart. Raising his head, he met her stare. There was challenge in her eyes and a whole bucketload of fear. Be careful with her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been gentle with a woman. His nature had always been to dominate, and he’d tended to be rougher than he should’ve been. With everything he knew about Sarah, those instincts wavered. She was delicate and he found himself determined to treat her with the care and affection she deserved.
Jake smiled. “Makes two of us.”
Her shoulders relaxed. “I don’t know what to do with that.”
He set down the shoe. “You could do nothing,” he suggested. “Continue as my employer and accept my friendship.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Friendship?”
“Or.” He moved closer, giving in to the need to make physical contact. Touching her cheek when he got close enough sent a thrill through him. “We could explore this thing developing between us. Guilt free. No expectations. You are allowed to enjoy the company of a man without commitment, if that’s what you want.”
Her eyelids fluttered closed as she exhaled. “I miss feeling connected.” She rubbed her cheek against his fingers.
Encouraged, Jake framed her face with both hands and touched his nose to hers. The contact opened her eyes, and a small moan vibrated in her throat. It took all his effort not to kiss her, praying she’d cross the distance to initiate the intimate touch. He had no intention of rushing her and every hope she’d come to him on her own.
“I need time, Jake.”
Disappointment sparked in his gut but he banished it. “I know. I’m not going anywhere, Sarah. I’m here when you want me.”
About to release her, he was surprised when she surged forward and pressed her lips to his. Soft and hot, they moved against him with hesitation at first. The delicate stroke of skin on skin revved his heart and sent heat racing through his body. Her hands fisted into his T-shirt, pulling him closer. The competing sensation of her hands on his chest and her mouth on his made him want to press forward but warning bells in his head urged him to slow down.
Her breath washed over him, and her scent filled his nose. All apples and strawberries, she filled his head with a hunger he could see mirrored in her eyes. It left him with a vision of what could transpire if they both gave in. Her tongue teased his mouth, and he welcomed the contact, meeting her advance with an eager sweep. Sarah gasped, clinging to him as he devoured her. The world fell away. The shadow of Mitchell faded. The worry over Will evaporated.
The only thing that mattered, was the woman in his arms.
He slowed the kiss to savor the sweet sensation of her body against him, and revel in the passion in her eyes. Time slowed his heartbeat and he realized with a start he didn’t want the moment to end. If all they ever did was kiss, it would be enough.
Jake blinked, the thought stilling his mind. In the silent room, all he wanted was to cherish her. He’d do anything to see her happy, to have her smile and look at him with the same affection he saw in her eyes now. The thought of having her upset with him caused his heart to ache with such intensity his chest hurt.